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Ranger GT, with 302


New Member
April 6, 2006
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City, State
Lincoln, Nebraska
Year, Model & Trim Level
1993 Ford Ranger XLT
I'm curious if anyone can tell me how easy/hard installing a 302 and a t5 tranny in a 93 ranger would be. Any help accepted thanks

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search, its been done hundreds of times and covered on as many web pages. The difficulty is dependant on your swap and the motor being used.

its really hard, sell me the GT and I will do it

Is this a 4x4 or 2wd? If it's a 4x4, I would really consider a different transmission.

Ranger GT is 2wd all of them

Oh ok....I never even knew that GT was one of the models of the Rangers. :eek:

they are pretty rare these days, they have ground effects from the factory :) I think 88 was the last year??
I have seen two of them over the years in the junk yard :(

Buddy of mine has a 94 4cyl ranger. I keep telling him he needs to get 302 in it. :)

410Fortune said:
I think 88 was the last year?
The guy that posted the thread said it's going in a 93???

Maybe hes thinking putting a 5.0L in his 93 makes it a GT? Maybe his has GT stickers on it from the dealer?

good catch!

They did build a Ranger GT but it was not after 1988 I can tell you that, since they have the first gen body style with the square grill (All Gt's)

She's a sweet ride...

EDIT: fixed...


  • RangerGT.jpg
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Dosn't work Colin :p

We talked about putting a 302 in the Lil Sis Project.....it may still happen :D

We tried driving the truck the other day, and the 2.8 is termnal at best. We may just take the T-bird 302 and throw it in. Hmmmm then the t-5 we have would work, but what if we took a explorer AWD t-case and threw it in. exsept for the computer issues that thing would be bad ass. a '85 AWD V8 Ranger :D

How about a AWD 67 Fastback?

Just takes a Typhoon front IFS and a creative transfer case hump in the Mustang floor.

The GT picture works for me from here (home Comcast) but not from work (Satellite internet)

Funny thing is they made a BII "Sport" that had little "wing" side skirts, and those GT front and rear aprons FUGLY

Don't worry they brought it back for '06 :p


SWEET me likey!

I own one of the few Ranger GT's! Mine is white with red interior. All options including 16 inch wheels!! Mine is really low also. Lowered from Ford, not aftermarket! I have all the paperwork and window stickers also. Bought it from original owner 3 years ago with only 37,000 miles!!!! May not be real fast with the 2.9 and 5 speed, but gets decent mileage and handles incredibly well!!! Better than my 85 Mustang GT did!! I will post pics soon.

Any one interested in building one of these I have all the factory ground effects, rebars and brakets. From a project I gave up on.
