Rattle AFTER OOm12 Kit fitted | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Rattle AFTER OOm12 Kit fitted


July 31, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
S.E London / Kent, England
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 North Face
Hi all,

Had the front and rear tensioners changed last week as I had a small rattle on start up.

Got the car back and all seemed fine for a couple of days, but since then sometimes when I start the X up or sit with her ticking over the rattle is back but 10 times worse. It now sounds like a diesel running. Sound changes with the revs and sounds like a chain slightly hitting against something.

I took it back to Ford who fitted them and they are going to ask the "Super technician" and see what he says.

Looking at other posts on here does this sound like I need to have the engine out and the guides and other bits changed?

Is starting to get a bit expensive!!!!!!:(


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I did the 00m12 kit and the rattle also came back for me as well. I figured that I would be replacing the guides soon.

I didn't think that the rear tensioner could be done without pulling the motor?

I did the 00m12 kit and the rattle also came back for me as well. I figured that I would be replacing the guides soon.

I didn't think that the rear tensioner could be done without pulling the motor?

I think they change the tensioner by going in through the wheel arch.


So they fitted the OOM12 kit plus the two additional tensioners on the cylinder bank chains? I would have thought that the noise would be coming from just one chain, not all 3. Does the noise go away, or does it just stay with you from start to stop?

When mine had the rattle, it would sound like a ticking noise on start up and then go away and a couple of miles when oil pressure built up, then once turned off and on again it would go through the same process. As well as mild ticking at 2500 revs. Since the fitting of the OOM12 kit i havn't heard any bit of a rattle.

It does it on start up, hot and cold and stays rattling until I turn off the engine. It will sometimes be there on the next restart but not always. It sounds like a chain drumming across solid metal, like a diesel

Spoke to Ford again and they said they have had a 20 page write up from Ford Tech and that shows the symptoms I have(from what he read it sounded like the TSB, start up rattle that goes after a couple of minutes when the oil circulates etc.) but they are pretty convinced it needs both the chains and guides changed from my symptoms.

Said its going to be a 10 hour job.

I will get it done as I need and really like the car, Hope this will sort it for good this time!!! :dunno:

Does anybody know what parts should be changed,ie. if there is revised guides, chains and so on so I know what to tell Ford to change as they never know for sure.


Well a non-stop rattle from start to stop all the time is a classic sympton of worn and shot chain guides. It should get louder with the revs like a diesel. It seems odd that it does not happen all the time. The tensioner going bad usually shows these type of symptons, rattle on start up then goes away after warm, sometimes there sometimes not. When hot mine used to rattle for about 3 minutes, but when cold you just got a 3 second start-up rattle.

There are updated chain guides for the primary jackshaft timing chain, i am not sure about the other two cylinder bank ones. I would have thought only the jackshaft timing chain would need new guides and possibly a new chain.

Judging by what Ford wanted to do my ball joints and cv boots, i wouldn't want to see the bill for 10 hours Ford labour and parts.

hi, the only sure way of fixing the chain problem is to replace the lot it will cost about £1200 (not ford prices)to do all the chains (including the balance shaft chain kit) but it is worth itwe have done over 20 of these engines and this is the best way to go.i am retired now and dont do them any more but i do have a brand new 04 engine 210bhp for sale if any one wants one it also fits the 04-07 mustang. good luck mal. just a note to say the engine is sold. i still have a new auto transmision which is for a two wheel drive ranger or explorer its a five speed complete with the converter may 2007

Hi all,

Had the front and rear tensioners changed last week as I had a small rattle on start up.

Got the car back and all seemed fine for a couple of days, but since then sometimes when I start the X up or sit with her ticking over the rattle is back but 10 times worse. It now sounds like a diesel running. Sound changes with the revs and sounds like a chain slightly hitting against something.

I took it back to Ford who fitted them and they are going to ask the "Super technician" and see what he says.

Looking at other posts on here does this sound like I need to have the engine out and the guides and other bits changed?

Is starting to get a bit expensive!!!!!!:(

do you think it was anything to do with changing both tensioners i just had front tensioner done by howard and all ok at moment sometime first thing in morn slight rattle nothing rest of day william

Search through the other "cassette tensioner" threads.

The two timing chains have tensioners, which Rob evidently had replaced. The small recall also adds a check valve to hold oil near the front tensioner, that's the $40 or so recall kit. The rear tensioner can be changed with a ratchet and about 24" of extension(49lbs.ft.).

The two timing chain cassettes of 96-01 model SOHC V6's are suspect, that's what the recall was about. The reoplacement part numbers are 2002+ upgraded parts. The rear cassette was not part of a recall, most people pray on that one. The front cassette is about $65 here at Ford, all of the parts are reasonable, the labor is the tough part.

BTW, the jackshaft isn't a problem, it is just like any typical pushrod timing chain, but with a tensioner and guide. I replaced that jackshaft tensioner(and chain) in mine while doing the other work, cheap insurance.
The balance shaft of 4WD models is also not an issue, but its tensioner is as tiny as the chain, fragile. I discovered my balance shaft chain to be out of time, so fixing that was a pain(dropped oil pans). Tell machanics to be careful with those parts, and have the engine at TDC before beginning repairs. Good luck,

Little bit of an update

Got the job done at Fords and these were the bits they changed, I always get them to keep the old bits so I can check them and see what they change!!


Took them 4.5 days,He said both chains had alot of play in them especially the front, he was suprised how loose it was.

Now the car is lovely and quiet all the time so hopefully no more rattle at start up!!!! :D


Rob, that sounds great, well done. Drive with confidence,

OOm12 Kit --rattle---

First off, I'm gonna ask a dumb soundin' question , what is this OOm12 Kit you're talkin' about? I believe I'm real glad I have a 1st gen. Ex, 85,000 miles and not 1 noise on start up or anytime :p:

It's a tiny $40 kit that takes care of one of the questionable SOHC parts, the front cam tensioner.

This reminds me of X24's ordeal way back when. Luckily yours didn't get that bad.
