resonator on exhaust, why? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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resonator on exhaust, why?


Well-Known Member
April 26, 2005
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1997 XLT
What's the purpose of the resonator before the muffler? Have had the muffler replaced twice and the resonator had ti be replaced both times to the tune of $125 each time. Think either the resonator or muffler are needing replaced again and wondering if its necessary to shell out another $125 for that resonator

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BTW shop told me it was a resonator assembly

the resonater just makes it quieter. alot of people remove them as they aren't really necessary.

Hmm I would have thought with the name resonator it would actually increase the volume?

no it reduces the drone inside the cab which without isn't actually that bad, Ive got a 5.0 with full exhaust done and it only has two magnoflow cats and a magnaflow muffler that is straight through and it sounds great, not to loud in the cab, point being screw the resonator it was just put there for Ford's NVH tests

My resonator and the tailpipe after the muffler rusted through so I had them cut off. The guy at the muffler shop just bent a pipe on the spot and welded it on. There is no real increase in noise, in fact since I have more pipe than I did with the rusted parts it's actually quieter. Wouldn't bother with them unless your state inspection makes it an issue, mine didn't.

Edit: I am refering to the resonator downstream of the muffler just before the tailpipe terminates. The only one I am aware of on my vehicle.

My resonator and the tailpipe after the muffler rusted through so I had them cut off. The guy at the muffler shop just bent a pipe on the spot and welded it on. There is no real increase in noise, in fact since I have more pipe than I did with the rusted parts it's actually quieter. Wouldn't bother with them unless your state inspection makes it an issue, mine didn't.

Edit: I am refering to the resonator downstream of the muffler just before the tailpipe terminates. The only one I am aware of on my vehicle.

Mine is literally just before the muffler, have a 1997 v6sohc

So if you tap on the muffler and it rattles, good chance the baffles inside are loose and shot?

The cat is before the muffler on a '97 SOHC and the resonator is after. - on mine anyway.

The cat is before the muffler on a '97 SOHC and the resonator is after. - on mine anyway.

Mine should be the same, been a while since I was under it to look at it and for some reason I thought it was before from memory (which ain't what it used to be:crazy:)

i know i have 2 cats and a muffler, never paid attention for a resonator

series cats

I believe that the 1997 OHV V6 has two catalytic converters in series in front of the muffler. The resonator is located aft of the muffler just prior to the rear axle.
Does it look similar to the one in the photo below?

I believe that the 1997 SOHC V6 has two catalytic converters in series in front of the muffler. The resonator is located aft of the muffler just prior to the rear axle.
Does it look similar to the one in the photo below?
View attachment 60593

1st Gens are like that too. Collector, 2 cats, muffler and resonator up over the rear axle.

The resonator just quieted down our exhaust.. it came off soon after we got our X.


I believe that the 1997 OHV V6 has two catalytic converters in series in front of the muffler. The resonator is located aft of the muffler just prior to the rear axle.
Does it look similar to the one in the photo below?
View attachment 60593

nope on the SOHC (at least mine) cats are mounted side by side one vertical one horizontal, pipe back to muffler then resonator as I understand it now then tailpipe

Standard SOHC V6 configuration

What's the purpose of the resonator before the muffler? . . .

The above was the source of the confusion. It sounds like you have the standard SOHC V6 exhaust configuration.
