Shortened the X new rear body and bumper. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Shortened the X new rear body and bumper.


Axle Annihilator!
March 17, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Arlington, Texas
Year, Model & Trim Level
1992 4x4 Explorer
Well I havn't posted in a while, however I have been modifying the X some more so here it is. I cut off the rear of the X right behind the Leaf spring Shackles (frame wise) and cut the body a little further back to creat less overhang on the rear. I'm thinking my bumper won't be getting hung up anymore. Basically the rear fenders I made and bumper are flush with each other and the rear roll bar. Body mounts were removed in the rear section when I cut is off so I used 2x2 square tubing to support the rear of the body further back on the frame. See Pics.











I am almost done with it, this week I will finish grinding and working a little more sheet metal and then I am going to extend my camo paint job to the rear and touch it up all around the vehicle as well.

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its a little differnt, but i like it.
why didnt you reweld the back of the stock explorer on there?

i think it looks pretty cool, i like it:thumbsup:

Thnx for the compliments...

I didn't reweld the back because my lovely wife allowed my explorer to fall backwards down a hill and lay on its side on top of a big rock that crushed the right rear fender in, and demolished the brakc light. She doesn't drive much and there was a slight learning curve a few months back. So basically she gave me a good excuse to cut the rear off:D .

I'll have more pics up tonight, I have done some more boxing in and sheet metal work which has really made it look a lot better.

My tires are 36x12.50 tsl..:salute:

Getting closer to being done here are a few more pics of todays accomplishments.




I know it don't look a lot different but basically i capped the top a little, both sides of the bumper and capped the rear were the frame rails were visible. I also added a plate for the cb antenna, two tow hooks and the license plate. Tomarrow hopefully I will have the license plate lights installed and be done grinding the welds.

Shortened Ex

I also wonder why you did so much fabrication when it would not have even been very noticable if you had just shortened the body and welded the original body peice back on. I think you went to loads more work than necessary. :( :exp:

he explained further up the thread that the back end got trashed on a rock... that's why it wasn't reused.. looks good tho fella...


Well I did the work because to be quite honest the rear of the truck looked pretty crappy. Both rear fenders (especially the right rear) were crushed and crumpled extremely badly from off-roading. All I use this for is offroading so its very important for it to be able to withstand what I throw at it. Not to mention the rear tailgate looked out of place. I cut all the way up to were the fenders looked somewhat ok. Then boxed in the rear and boxed the top of the rear fenders a bit, as well as welded them to the existing roll cage increasing the strength of the whole set up dramatically. I have already ran this truck twice and actually hit the rear quarter panel. It's now like a tank, the rear quarter panel paint had to be touched up but it didn't even leave a small dent of any sort. So I say the rear was a necessity since I LOVE offroading and it is very practical.

Uke it seems funny you are the first person I have ever heard that said I have done to much work. The guys that work with me think I should add more structure and detail to what I already have.

What was necessary seems to really depend on what you do with your explorer. If you are the type who want's a truck that looks offroad like but never offroads well then definitely I would agree I have done to much work. Because if your not going to use it then why waist time and money trying to make something what its not.

I use it, abuse it, and just keep modifying stuff as I tear it up. That's my hobby and I don't believe it will ever change.

Thnx for the compliment Blueka

What I dislike is the canvas top you created, that to me is what distracts from the "off-road-ness" to me. :( I think you just need to use your damned good sheet metal fabrication skills to make a sheet metal roof on it. :)) I'm sorry to have upset loads of people here, I just don't like any type of "ragtop", o.k.? I'm damned sure you have strengthened it up all over....would just look loads better to me w/o the canvas roof :)

I also wonder why you did so much fabrication when it would not have even been very noticable if you had just shortened the body and welded the original body peice back on. I think you went to loads more work than necessary. :( :exp:

Might I add that having the back end shortened helps out greatly with the departure angle. When the back end hangs up on rocks and such, it can really mangle things up. I've shortened the bed of my Ranger and it's one of the best mods I have done to help out with all the off roading I do.
