Truckhaven 2002 Discussion | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Truckhaven 2002 Discussion


Pumpkin Pilot
Staff member
Elite Explorer
February 8, 1999
Reaction score
City, State
Wayoutin, Aridzona
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 XL '20 ST
Time to start making your plans for the 3rd annual Truckhaven run! The run will be held over the MLK holiday weeked, January 19-20.

For details about location and lodging check out this thread: Dead Link Removed

To see what we have done in Truckhaven in the past check out this thread:

Plan early! Hope to see you there!

Sign up online: Dead Link Removed

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Are we limiting how many can come this time?


I plan on being there again. Maybe I will get there before everyone is starting to head out.


I'll be there too.

Rick, you put the 18-19 which is a Friday and Saturday, so is that the days when we are going to do the actual runs or is it that whole weekend? Just want to know as soon as possible inorder to get all the right dates off of work. Thanks

Thanks James, I fixed my typo. You are correct the weekend is on the 19-20. There are usually people who come early and stay late though.

Also... Please if you have said you're coming use the sign up sheet. Several peopel responded to this thread,but didn't signup. I just want to have a good idea of how many are coming and how many will be available for each run... stock, modified, bigdawg.

Sign up online: Dead Link Removed


Just a quick thought on the form. What about adding a spot for screen name to be put in. It maight make it easier to keep track of who is attending. I just signed up.


Would 2wd be able to make through these runs?

Rick, was I the first to sign up?

SCEXPLORER, There will be at least one other 2WD, Gopher, who was there last year.

I signed up. I'm 90% sure that I'm coming. Whether its with my grandfather, Rebecca, or with another friend I don't know, but count me in!

BTW, for those who don't know, I'm 2wd and made it through Moab. Truckhaven should be even better cause I'll have 31s instead of 29s.

Ok. but just to let you guys know. i'm a rookie at this. Got the lift, 31 tires, intake and exhaust. Is that good enough? Gopher's truck is crazy and Alec has a supercharger.

Yep Bill, you were first!

I would love to see the 2wds out there, but I have to warn you... You will be limited in what you can do since the terrain is all dirt and hills. Gopher got his nickname at Truckhaven, cuz he used to dig himself some nice holes. He has a locked rear end and some nice size tires... I think 33's.

He does pretty darn well now that he has learned to use his trucks momentem to carry him through.

I just found out yesterday that I have some friends getting maried on the 19th up here in fresno. I might go to the wedding Saterday then drive down that night for the runs sunday.

Is anyone going to stay out there till monday or tuesday?

So I am not sure when I will be there but I will do my best to get there.


We will be leaving on Monday night.


I'm going and should have my rear locker in by then.

I will try to come out for at least 4 days Fri-Mon. Rick, let me know if you need anything from my end since I live only 93 miles from Truckhaven. When are you going to give an award for the least miles driven?

Originally posted by BKennedy

When are you going to give an award for the least miles driven?

Yeah I like this idea I will come from my official home in Julian about 60 miles away I think the award should be ricks atlas II:D


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That's my B-day weekend so we will see what happens. I missed it last year but read about it and would really like to go. Would be great to meet some others of you and have a great time of 4x ing.
