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Upgraded to Navigation

Wwasem, I mouned the GPS antenna under the tray that is on top of the dash, it does not need direct line of sight. When you go to remove the bezel the passenger airbag cable is up there, i just used the foam from that to keep the anetnna from rattling. So far seems to work fine at that location.

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WWasem, when you get the nav unit are you going to try to hook up the XMFD5? If it works let me know.

I will definitely give it a go since I already have it...

I do have a small concern with me upgrading to the sat nav radio though... I'm wondering if my center console mounted 3.5mm input jack will still work or not... (I'm currently running my XM Roady through that jack, not the most elegant solution, but it gets the job done...) I would assume if the radio was from an '07 that it would work, but what about an '06 radio... I know the radios "look" identical but I know the '06 did not have that input jack.

If you are getting your radio from the same person that Bojan and I got ours from, I believe that it may just be a matter of programming the NAV radio for the options that you have installed (steering wheel controls, RSE, etc.). He programmed my radio for those options, but I do have an 06.

I did get the FD-XMFD5 kit from myradiostore.com ... i did hook it up and see the tabs for SR1, SR2 and SR3. I also was able to receive the XM preview channel...

Did your truck come with Sirius installed as well...? I think that may be my other problem as my truck came with it (although I don't need it) I don't know if when I plug the Terk adapter harness in that it cancels out the Sirius...


When looking at the back of the radio, which connector is feeding the satellite radio information?

If you are getting your radio from the same person that Bojan and I got ours from, I believe that it may just be a matter of programming the NAV radio for the options that you have installed (steering wheel controls, RSE, etc.). He programmed my radio for those options, but I do have an 06.

I did get my radio from the same person. ;) I mentioned to him about the steering wheel controls but I forgot to mention the aux jack... I just sent him off a quick e-mail. Does anyone have a phone number for him? Thanks.

The XM wiring harness will use the 2 larger connectors by means of a pass-through. You plug your factory wiring harness plugs into the XM wiring harness and then into the radio. The small connection will only be from the original factory wiring harness.

I do not have factory sirius insalled.

Sorry no number for tauk ... just used e-mail.

So I am curious if anyone has actually gotten the XM to work.

I have my XM kit (Terk XMDFOR100) that was in my the 2005 I traded in that was not supposed to work with my DVD entertainment system. It Did with the exception that the video audio was only heard via headsets.

The DVD wasn't a problem for me not to hear, but not having the navigation voice instructions working will be a bummer. I would even buy another kit if it would work, but I don't want Sirius.

I got my Ford SIRIUS module working today on my Nav system with rear DVD entertainment system. WOOT! Had to replace the DVD jumper harness. $37.00 from Ford.

I installed my nav system tonight from Tony (TAuk) with a few things worth mentioning... I'm not sure if it was an error on his part or not, but I ended up with a Mercury radio, which kinda bothers me in my Ford... In addition my auxiliary input on my center console does not work either... I'm going to send him an e-mail to touch base, perhaps swap radios...

Otherwise the install was easy, but when I pull it out again to swap or whatever I am going to test the XM direct again. It currently is looking at my de-activated Sirius when you go to the SR tab...

Did you leave the XM kit connected, were you able to hear the preview channel and see the info for that on the nav screen? Did you get everything to fit back into the dash opening? The Mercury logo does come up on my screen as well, only for abouth 3 ~ 5 seconds. I think it should just be a matter of programming the radio to change that. Hopefully the aux input just needs some additional programming or perhaps a jumper in the wiring harness?

I'm embarassed to ask but would this 4th gen factory nav unit work in my 2004 truck (3rd gen)? It has the same plugs in the back...

So I am curious if anyone has actually gotten the XM to work.

I have my XM kit (Terk XMDFOR100) that was in my the 2005 I traded in that was not supposed to work with my DVD entertainment system. It Did with the exception that the video audio was only heard via headsets.

The DVD wasn't a problem for me not to hear, but not having the navigation voice instructions working will be a bummer. I would even buy another kit if it would work, but I don't want Sirius.

I have XM working with the FD-XMFD5 kit. When connected, the tabs now show AM FM1 FM2 CD SR

When you go to SR you see SR1 SR2 SR3. I can hear the XM preview channel. I think you might have to cut some plastic out inside the dash to get the harness to fit because it won't fit right now. I'm going to activate my XM subscription tomorrow when there's some daylight.

Also, I have the iPod connector working. It was confusing at first, but basically you need to cycle through the SR tab to change inputs. So for example if I'm on CD and I hit SR I hear XM. To change to the iPod I have to hit CD or FM1 and then back to SR to get to the iPod. I also noticed that I can only change songs on the iPod and XM channels through the buttons on the unit, not the steering wheel controls. I also noticed that the text wasn't displaying. I'm not too concerned with that as I usually keep the map screen on anyway. As long as I'm getting great sounding audio I can't complain.

I'll check back in tomorrow.

I I can hear the XM preview channel. I think you might have to cut some plastic out inside the dash to get the harness to fit because it won't fit right now. I'm going to activate my XM subscription tomorrow when there's some daylight.

So I got the harness to fit.. I just snaked it behind the right radio bracket and I have the white box inside the area to the left of the glove compartment. I ran the iPod connector cables under the cupholders and drilled a small hole into the center console that opens up so that I could leave my iPod in there and access it when I want to take it to go. I activated XM this afternoon on the internet but I haven't checked yet to see if I receive any additional channels.

Still no text though, but like I said before, I'd rather have better audio and no text. I'm going to contact the supplier and see if I missed any config steps to get the text workng.

I installed my nav system tonight from Tony (TAuk) with a few things worth mentioning... I'm not sure if it was an error on his part or not, but I ended up with a Mercury radio, which kinda bothers me in my Ford... In addition my auxiliary input on my center console does not work either... I'm going to send him an e-mail to touch base, perhaps swap radios...

Otherwise the install was easy, but when I pull it out again to swap or whatever I am going to test the XM direct again. It currently is looking at my de-activated Sirius when you go to the SR tab...

WWasem, how did you make out with your Nav Radio and XM?

WWasem, how did you make out with your Nav Radio and XM?

I'm a slacker right now... :rolleyes: I've been busy and have not had time to take the nav unit out to exchange with Tony (Tauk). I plan to take it apart this weekend and when I do I am going to test the XM w/ the Nav radio. :confused::D I will be sure to keep everyone posted... :salute:

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Map display

When using the factory navigation can you have the radio or CD playing and also have a map of your current location on the nav screen?

Do you have to have a destination entered to have the map display on when driving? or will it just show your current position with no directions.

Thanks for help.. I think I will be getting a nav unit soon.
