What products have you bought from A&A mfg? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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What products have you bought from A&A mfg?


Elite Ranger
Elite Explorer
January 14, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Fresno CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
86 ranger no more
What tabs and things have you bought from them. There parts are to cheap to make yourself. Also what have you used them for? I am looking mostly for stuff for when I build my front winch bumper and my tube bed/rollcage idea I have brewing in my head.

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I have bought alot of stuff from them over the past 2 years or so.
AA-069-A for my Jeeps steering column
AA-080-A 3 hole gussets for a ton of things such as my front bump stop mounts and the cart for my TIG welder
AA-023-D body tab for mounting my aluminum roof to the cage
AA-140C Rub rail flange for making bolt in tube work but I still havent used them yet
AA-084-* light bracket tab for mounting my lights to the cage and making light bars.
Various shock tabs both for the axle end and for my shock hoops.

I too have purchased from A&A and have been very happy with the company and their products.

Good lord, AA is like crack..

I've placed several different orders, for all types of stuff. I plan to replace a few parts I hand made with parts from them, makes the whole vehicle look better.

IZwack said:
I too have purchased from A&A and have been very happy with the company and their products.
Are they paying you? That was so the "real customer" response from an infomercial right there.


Crap, ive ordered a bunch of stuff. Shock mount tabs, 3-hole rollbar gussets, dirt track caliper brackets, brake line clips and tabs, etc. etc. etc.

I'll have to check them out. I'm going to need a bunch of junk during the polishing phase of my project. :p

How much did they pay you, IZ? Anything?

Glad to hear the positives here. I'm going to order some spring perchs really soon, and will also be ordering some caliper brackets and shock tabs not too long after that as well :)


LOL Froader - they dont sell lotions or creams (whats on the table)

I thought you'd be taller.

Let's see...i've ordered brake line tabs, various gussets, tabs for tubing, cone style tubing ends. When I was doing my build up, I had to fab most of my own link tabs since they didn't quite have what I was looking for but great selection nonetheless.
