Zuki SOA Lift | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Zuki SOA Lift


Somewhat Functional
Moderator Emeritus
January 11, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
McVeytown, PA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'18 XLT
Just thought I'd post some photos of my Zuk transformation as it goes along. It's starting with a 5" SOA, over the top steering, 31" m/t's, Doetsch Tech Shocks, and a custom built front bumper.

Here's the Zuki stock last time out at Paragon:


Here's the front of the Zuk minus the axle as it gets ready for the SOA:


Here's the back of the Zuk minus the axle:


Here are the axles ready to get the new spring perches and shock mounts welded on:


Here I am with the Zuk after taking out the axles, steering and shocks (about 4 hours of work). One thing I will say is that it is EXTREMELY easy to work on the Zuk!!:


More pix will come as it gets built. Next up: Borrow my neighbor's welder and get the perches on!

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looking good!

Makes me (almost) miss the Sammi I once had. Looks good. Keep us posted :D

hey... i recognize that zookie... thats the one that ripped off part of its new bumper @ paragon. :D

good luck woth the project and have a blast with the welder. They always make cool sparks. (Fire)

Well, here are some update shots:

Here is the rear axle installed after I welded the new perches on it. You can also see the driveshaft spacer:


Here is the front axle installed, along with the front driveshaft spacer. D*&n steel brake lines on the front were rusted to the nuts, so they broke when I tried to remove them. A quick trip to Advance Auto fixed that problem. Big mess on floor is brake fluid from the cracked lines :rolleyes:


Here is a side shot with the stock rear wheel on. It's actually sitting on the tires, not jackstands! My new wheels are out at the sandblaster's getting cleaned up. They will be painted grey hammercoat and have 31" m/t's on them.


Another side shot:


I am waiting on Rocky Road to get me another integrated kingpin/steering arm. The one they provided with the kit had the tapered holes for the drag link drilled in upside down :fire:! If it weren't for that, Sammy could have been out and about today.

Must be nice being able to use the wal mart jack stands to work on your truck, mine don't even reach the frame ith the truck sitting on the ground:D

Getting closer!!

Here's a shot of it back on all it's wheels, and it has a buddy too!


A couple shots of the tires that are going on when I get my rims back. They make the stock tires look a little puny, don't they??



Nice! Any driveline vibes? What are you doing with the gears? With those tires and keeping in mind the weak Sami engine is mated with 1:2.02 gears in the "short" box, you will be running rather than crawling :D

wow great job on that, cant wait to see it when its done...

That looks awesome Jeff, looking forward to seeing the 31s on there. Are there any forums for Zuk's? My friend just bought one and i was going to pass some info onto him. I'll give him this link so he can see yours and get a feel for it.

Well, FINALLY got my rims back from the sandblaster. Here one is with a coat of paint on it. Hopefully I'll get 'em all painted tomorrow so they can go get the tires mounted on Wednesday :)


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Originally posted by donkey boy
Nice! Any driveline vibes? What are you doing with the gears? With those tires and keeping in mind the weak Sami engine is mated with 1:2.02 gears in the "short" box, you will be running rather than crawling :D

No rear driveline problems, but I do have a vibration up front over 30 mph in 4wd. I think it's the t-case gears (I might have a chipped gear :rolleyes: ). I'm gonna re-gear the xfer case in the near future anyways. Drops aboutr 18% in Hi range and 110% in low range.

Man, what kind of bolt pattern does that thing have! That paint looks really good on there. How much for the sandblasting job?

I passed those sites you sent me onto my buddy and told him about those tires, he was interested. I sent him the link to this thread too so he could see your beast!

Originally posted by JoshC
Man, what kind of bolt pattern does that thing have! That paint looks really good on there. How much for the sandblasting job?

I passed those sites you sent me onto my buddy and told him about those tires, he was interested. I sent him the link to this thread too so he could see your beast!

Rims are 5 on 5.5. Sandblasting cost me $40 for all 4 wheels. The paint is Rustoleum Hammercoat "black" (more like dark grey)

Geez, 5 on 5.5. That's large for a little truck! Rims look great. What's next for the zuk? Gears, what do you have in it now?

Gears are stock for now. Read above on what I'm gonna do :D. I have the parts for a custom bumper being machined in a local shop (If they ever get around to it!!! :fire: ). I'm gonna weld it together once they cut me the pieces.

seems like a body lift wouldn't be too much trouble for that thing, i guess you never know though!!

Well HERE IT IS!!! All grown up and ready to play. Next up is a custom front bumper.


Here it is next to a standard grille propane bottle so you can see the ground clearance I now have :D


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What youre not gonna park on top of the propane tank? the zookie is light it wouldnt crush it. yeah on second thought better not might roll it.. :D
