My planned setup, any suggestions? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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My planned setup, any suggestions?


Active Member
March 3, 2008
Reaction score
Year, Model & Trim Level
00 XLT, 10 XLT, 10XLT
Hey guys, I found this forum a few weeks ago, and it is exactly what I am looking for! I have a 2000 xlt with (from what I have read here) the premium system (The head unit has am/fm/tape/cd). I have one question though, on the crutchfield site it says that I need an amplifier adapter(link), but since the amp is in the headunit for my car, I do not need it, correct?

Here Is what I am getting.
Kenwood KDC-138
Ford In-dash Receiver Kit

Mach-5 MAW-10 Subwoofer x2 (link)
10", 250w rms, 4+4ohm

Candice TXA-3004 Amp (Link)
Will be run at 4 ohm bridged, 2x300w for the subs.
A wiring kit from ebay will also be purchased (one that has rca cables, power cables, etc).
I will make my own box.
I eventually plan to upgrade the other speakers in the car too, does anyone have any recommendations for those speakers?
Also, how do you guys secure your boxes? Any placement recommendations?
Thanks a lot!

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the mach-5 are no longer made. I was planning on getting myself a set of them as well.

A few things...

Hey guys, I found this forum a few weeks ago, and it is exactly what I am looking for! I have a 2000 xlt with (from what I have read here) the premium system (The head unit has am/fm/tape/cd). I have one question though, on the crutchfield site it says that I need an amplifier adapter(link), but since the amp is in the headunit for my car, I do not need it, correct?

Here Is what I am getting.
Kenwood KDC-138
Ford In-dash Receiver Kit

Mach-5 MAW-10 Subwoofer x2 (link)
10", 250w rms, 4+4ohm

Candice TXA-3004 Amp (Link)
Will be run at 4 ohm bridged, 2x300w for the subs.
A wiring kit from ebay will also be purchased (one that has rca cables, power cables, etc).
I will make my own box.
I eventually plan to upgrade the other speakers in the car too, does anyone have any recommendations for those speakers?
Also, how do you guys secure your boxes? Any placement recommendations?
Thanks a lot!

My speaker box is so heavy, it doesn't shift at all. I just went through my third set of after market door speakers - I just got 4 pioneers for the doors, and bumped the 10" kicker for a 10" Alpine.

How come you gonna do a single din stereo and not a double din? Just curious.

the mach-5 are no longer made. I was planning on getting myself a set of them as well.

Ahh, I just noticed that :(. They are on the site, but when you add to cart, they say they are not made anymore.
Did you end up going with anything else? What did you get?

I went with single din because that one appealed to me, although now I am thinking of checking out the double din ones, and I'm sure I can find something that has same/similar specs.

Got it... thought maybe you were going to use the extra space for something else. Well, Crutchfield has some nice double dins too in case you change your mind. Good luck!

Ahh, I just noticed that :(. They are on the site, but when you add to cart, they say they are not made anymore.
Did you end up going with anything else? What did you get?

I went with single din because that one appealed to me, although now I am thinking of checking out the double din ones, and I'm sure I can find something that has same/similar specs.

I think I'm going with two 10" alpine type r's

If you buy from Crutchfield, and are a new customer, use Crutchfield Referral Code pjiqx-9kid5-1eryf, and automatically get a $20 credit on your first order of $200 or more.

Helps me out too :thumbsup:

If my order goes over 200, I will be sure to use that!

Is there a way to select double din units only on crutchfield? I looked, but cannot find the option.

Also, what do you guys think of the MTX Thunderform series? It is a different approach to adding bass to an explorer w/o using up trunk space.

no you can't get them there either.. there is no option to add to cart because they are out of stock.
My Bad, I added it to the cart by going Here and adding it by the product code (maw-10), but if they do not have stock they wouldn't ship.

i would go with two alpine type r's like someone else said if you are going with 2 subs. if you are going the thunderform route, you can save a lot of money by making your own. look around here for pics of 2nd gen explorers that people have made their own. here is the one that i made for my 2004 ex.


  • Finished Box.jpg
    Finished Box.jpg
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I hate to bump up old topics, but another question!
So I got the head unit and I have some speakers on the way. Now all that is left is the sub. I have found a thunderform enclosure (w/o the sub) for like $30, so I am going to try and pick that up. I am thinking that I can just pick up a sub to put in there. Someone recommended the Alpine type r series, but the one I was looking at was too deep, so I am checking out the s series. Specifically, the SWS-1043D. It is shallow enough and the volume requirements seem to match. Is there any reason not to do this?
Does anyone have any amp recommendations? I see some that would work on crutchfield, but does anyone have a recommendation for a particular brand or model? The Sub is 300wrms/900max, 4ohm.


Edit: One more question. There are 2 similar subwoofers, the SWS-1043D, and the SWS-1023D. The only difference is one is 4ohm and the other is 2ohm. What would be the advantage of one over the other?

What is the internal size of the enclosure...then we can choose the subwoofer from there

Also how much do you want to spend on a sub??

The Type R's sound like crap in sealed enclosures...I don't like the sound of the Type S in a sealed enclosure either...lacks a lot of low end.

Advantages of different impedance coils depends on what amplifier to use.

The enclosure has a volume of .6ft^3 and it is 6 1/4" deep, but the max depth on a sub is about 5 1/2" (I had the seller measure for me). So there is not a whole lot of room to work with.

Thanks! That does look perfect, and I have heard good things about elemental designs, so this is great!
Now for the resistance, I have not picked an amp yet. What should I look for, one that would power a dual 2 ohm or a dual 4 ohm? Is there any specific advantage?
A TXA-3002 looks like it should work, and someone has recommended them to me before. It looks like the power output bridged may be too high, but I can just keep the gain at a lower level.

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that amp is a good amp...if you were to buy that I'd get the D2 sub if you do not plan on adding another one down the road. That amp should give you plenty of head room.
