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Are they serious?


Explorer Babe Moderator
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June 17, 2003
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I swear, PETA is getting more and more ridiculous.

WASHINGTON — The group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals wants the flyswatter in chief to try taking a more humane attitude the next time he's bedeviled by a fly in the White House.

PETA is sending President Barack Obama a Katcha Bug Humane Bug Catcher, a device that allows users to trap a house fly and then release it outside.

"We support compassion even for the most curious, smallest and least sympathetic animals," PETA spokesman Bruce Friedrich said Wednesday. "We believe that people, where they can be compassionate, should be, for all animals."

Read some of the comments at the bottom of the page.

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can we call them terrorists and get them all arrested? lol

I wonder if PETA will start protesting pest control companies now. Termites are living creatures too.

I say let the goofballs think they are doing something.

And I just smashed a fly to bits with my swatter. It felt good. friggin thing was buzzing me.

****roaches are creatures too. They need our love and understanding.

Here in Seattle, they were protesting a show by the eployees of Pike street market. This is the famous market where they throw the fish back and forth to sell them. They offered the market rubber fish to toss. Their argument was everything has feelings, which I could understand if it were a live fish, but they are already caught, dead, and chilled. No feelings there.

once and for all someone do a search who's behind PETA you mihgt be suprised. The followers of PETA are just a bunch of hypno-sheep and have no idea. whos behind it.

I say let the goofballs think they are doing something.

And I just smashed a fly to bits with my swatter. It felt good. friggin thing was buzzing me.

I had a bunch of flies in my basement I'm talking dozens. Hung a bunch of good 'ol fashion fly strips and problem solved :)

It's fun to listen to them buzz like hell trying to get off of them :D:D

This is yet another reason why I proudly wear my "Peta" shirt...


Seeing how I'm in Seattle, i get some strange comments and looks some times...

Insisting on protecting annoying insects and vermin is probably taking it too far and shows what kind of wackos are in charge...but unfortunately PETA is the only real vocal group when it comes to putting the spotlight on people who actually do abuse animals. There aren't too many places with any laws against torture or cruel treatment of animals, and the authorties have their hands tied on what they can do because of you kind of have to take the good with the bad. I'd rather have a group that's half wack jobs worried about flies and the other half that's big enough and well organized to being social pressure against the cruel, sadistic people who do abuse animals.

Insisting on protecting annoying insects and vermin is probably taking it too far and shows what kind of wackos are in charge...but unfortunately PETA is the only real vocal group when it comes to putting the spotlight on people who actually do abuse animals. There aren't too many places with any laws against torture or cruel treatment of animals, and the authorties have their hands tied on what they can do because of you kind of have to take the good with the bad. I'd rather have a group that's half wack jobs worried about flies and the other half that's big enough and well organized to being social pressure against the cruel, sadistic people who do abuse animals.

And when they did nothing but protest animal cruelty and wearing fur, I had no problem with them. It started being a problem with me when they started saying that everyone should be vegans and not eat any animal products (Milk, meat, eggs, etc) I'm sorry, humans are at the top of the food chain and have a right to eat what they want.

I have no problems with vegetarians or and let live. But when you tell me I'm wrong because I like to eat meat, you are interfering with my rights.

I'm all for the ethical treatment of animals and the eating of tasty animals :D

They take stuff to the extreme. I read once that no one euthanizes more animals in a year than PETA... and didn't they get caught a couple years ago dumping carcasses in random dumpsters?
