Mustang Powerdyne Supercharger to Exp. Limited | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Mustang Powerdyne Supercharger to Exp. Limited

This will not be a huge power build and I may not get around to it till summer. I want to run it at only 6lbs of boost, in my low mileage 2001 Explorer Limited. This for ***** and giggles on my preferred daily driver. I will tune it with a Tweecer and larger injectors.

I bought a used Powerdyne Mustang 5.0 kit off of The biggest issue will be getting the blower mounted and driven. I unpacked it today and found Frankenbracket pictured below. It moves the alternator down and the blower mounts above and to passenger side. It's the mustang set-up and I need to compare the bracket mounting depth to the Explorer. I will get to a wrecking yard and pull a stock Explorer bracket to compare and work with.


The Used Kit

As Mounted in the Stang

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Any further info on the bracket or the pulley? I am trying to find a way to get my Explorer supercharged. Has anyone tried the Kenne Bell top mount blower from the Mustang?

Yes, many years ago on the Ranger forum was where I saw it first there. The KB can be mounted like the SN95 kit(get those parts to start with).

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Yes, many years ago on the Ranger forum was where I saw it first there. The KB can be mounted like the SN95 kit(get those parts to start with).

Thank you. I'll have check that forum as well. I didn't know if there were issues with the length of the snout on the kenne bell, I figured you'd have to use the 94-95 kit on the Explorer. I called Kenne Bell and they don't even make the blowers for those cars anymore. No parts, no kits.

Thank you. I'll have check that forum as well. I didn't know if there were issues with the length of the snout on the kenne bell, I figured you'd have to use the 94-95 kit on the Explorer. I called Kenne Bell and they don't even make the blowers for those cars anymore. No parts, no kits.

The snout length and the bracketry there at the belt area isn't clear as to which don't work or need modification. A member there and here did his Ranger about ten years ago, and I don't know what exact pieces bolt on etc.

I have the Autorotor 2.2 liter bare unit myself, I've just begun trying to find those KB kit parts, basically just the snout and belt pieces. That's where I will mount mine, but without using the stock intakes or KB plenums.

BTW, I just remembered another member here a while back did post pictures of his 99 Explorer, with a KB kit installed.

I'm not sure of the details, I recall the thread and saving the one picture. I have a picture someplace...
here, it's labeled Tim Beek's supercharged Explorer;

Here's the thread link to read through some of the details;


  • Explorer-SuperchargerTimBeek.jpg
    105.8 KB · Views: 708

BTW, I just remembered another member here a while back did post pictures of his 99 Explorer, with a KB kit installed.

I'm not sure of the details, I recall the thread and saving the one picture. I have a picture someplace...
here, it's labeled Tim Beek's supercharged Explorer;

Here's the thread link to read through some of the details;

Awesome, I'll be sure to check that out too. Maybe he's still an active member and could answer some questions. I have had so many Mustangs, and never thought I'd have this many problems locating a blower kit for what essentially is the same motor. I knew the pulley would be somewhat of an issue with the Explorer having the relucters in the pulley, but I really assumed the brackets would be Almost identical for the Fox/SN95 platform.
