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August 22, 2015
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2000 explorer
Hi I am looking for a set of leaf spring shacked for a 2000 explorer or blueprints to manufacture some any help would be most appreciated!!!
I accidentally re posted to an old thread not realising it was over a year old!!! Sorry

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Thanks for that as I am a newbie what does 2" of lift give you?

Here is a pic of mine with 2" lift shackles made by kevp. I fitted the shackles then wound the front torsion bars to match. Kev p also supplied a bracket to alter the position of the ride height sensor for the ARC system so this is aldo something to consider.

Hi thanks for that! So Kev still makes the shackles?

Hi thanks for that! So Kev still makes the shackles?

you can pick them up on ebay for cheap if you just look a little.

you can also get 4" lift leaf spring from summit racing for around $130 a side like my son did. you will also have to buy the leaf spring bushing for them also for less than $20.

UK Explorer Owners Forum

You telling me or him?
You. I'm certain the OP knows which sub forum he posted on. ;)

Shipping leaf springs or shackles to England? :eek:

you can pick them up on ebay for cheap if you just look a little.

you can also get 4" lift leaf spring from summit racing for around $130 a side like my son did. you will also have to buy the leaf spring bushing for them also for less than $20.
Yes thank you it's a little expensive to import large heavy items from the states to the little island over the pond

Yes thank you it's a little expensive to import large heavy items from the states to the little island over the pond

You should still be able to find shackles on eBay in the UK. As for leads sorry, I didn't see anything in post saying UK forum. Still think you may be able to find superlift leads in UK, but then again maybe not.

It's early days but it really sorbet look like there are anything listed other than import for the states unless you want to pay ford for the ones made of cheese!!

It's early days but it really sorbet look like there are anything listed other than import for the states unless you want to pay ford for the ones made of cheese!!

How much is shipping?

Dependant on weight ofcourse it looks like double the price!!

Dependant on weight ofcourse it looks like double the price!!

from ebay or summit? i went on UK ebay and found you that link

Just looked at summit shipping to UK and all i can say is WOW!!!!

Yeah from the states I have requested postage costs

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Great EbayUK find Valas! :thumbsup: They look beefy and are actually cheaper than Warrior 153's from Amazon U.S. Problem solved maybe?
