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Adding auto headlights

I read the thread title and thought you might mean full time headlights, automatic, like mine.

It's the law in a few countries, because headlights help the vehicle be seen by others in all conditions.

I have the auto light feature in six of my Fords, but the one I drive full time I fixed. I covered the light sensor with black RTV, and powered the circuit with oil pressure power. The pre 2002 Explorers work from the mirror, so the controls are there. I use my old 93 Limited mirror, because it has the light indicator on it, and a set screw to tighten it fully.

So for my 99 Limited my headlights come on with the oil pressure, and go off with the oil pressure, plus the delay chosen. I set the delay all the way to the shortest period, but the bar is there if I ever needed to change it.

For any late Ford you can at least install a switch to control a relay, to power the existing headlight relay signal. The late Fords all use tiny signal wires in the dash, so any relay and any switch can alter those circuits. Just figure out the best kind of switch to use, and go at it. If you like the OEM mirrors, find one that will attach to your windshield mount, and buy it along with the short harness which plugs into it. The 93-01 Explorer harness runs from the mirror down to the base of the left "A" pillar. Anyone with a little wiring skill can wire that together. They use simple power and ground wires. Regards,


  • 93 Limited mirror.JPG
    93 Limited mirror.JPG
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In Canada we have to have day time running lights which might wor for you as well. The dealers charge about 50$ to activate them in the software for a us car.

I think I have the auto headlights figured out, since all the wiring is there, gonna try it when I get the cash to buy the new Headlamp switch which runs about 190 from Ford right now, the sensor and pigtail kit I can get for 50.

I think I have the auto headlights figured out, since all the wiring is there, gonna try it when I get the cash to buy the new Headlamp switch which runs about 190 from Ford right now, the sensor and pigtail kit I can get for 50.

So I was wrong, after getting all the OEM parts and really digging in I discovered that the wiring was not there, I thought "no big deal" I will just run a new wire to the BCM and ground, but it didn't work the pin for the Auto Headlamps on the BCM is not hot when the headlamp switch is set to auto, dont know what to do now...any suggestions?

The headlight circuit in late model cars for a long time is just a very low powered circuit in the dash. Like most circuits inside the vehicle, most are low powered and are used to trigger a relay which actually feeds the circuit.

The point is that you can locate that small headlight wire, find the schematics. Then you should be able to trigger(feed) that wire with your auto light device. I understand it's changed over the years. You may be able to use the parts you have tried to install, just a matter of wiring. Or you might mount an older mirror which has the auto light function built into it.

Sorry tor revive an old old thread.

Ranger, were you able to figure this out? I'm really interested in doing the same, thanks.

phubar, for your info, usranger80's last post in the 2011 - 2015 Explorer forum was April 4, 2011.


Besides adding the hardware/wiring there is a BCM As built data that has to be changed.

In theory you should have able to add the hardware/wiring and then change the ABD for the BCM and be in business.


phubar, for your info, usranger80's last post in the 2011 - 2015 Explorer forum was April 4, 2011.


LOL! Dead end I guess. I guess changing the build date in the BCM is a dealer only mod?

LOL! Dead end I guess. I guess changing the build date in the BCM is a dealer only mod?

For most people yes....if you PM your vin I can look at the data and see if its there or not.


I dont own an explorer yet, looking to get either a 2013 or 2014 base model, and auto headlights is one feature I would really miss. If its not possible to retrofit it then I would have to get a 2014 since its standard. He mentioned in another thread he was successful, wonder what he ended up doing...

Thanks anyways!

has anybody successfully added auto headlights to a 2013 explorer base? I would assume you could possibly buy the headlight switch that has the auto, and the little sensor that goes into the top of the dash, then enable it some way with forscan? I have done a good amount of forscan mods on my 2015 f150 but I haven’t done anything yet to my explorer.

has anybody successfully added auto headlights to a 2013 explorer base? I would assume you could possibly buy the headlight switch that has the auto, and the little sensor that goes into the top of the dash, then enable it some way with forscan? I have done a good amount of forscan mods on my 2015 f150 but I haven’t done anything yet to my explorer.
Welcome to the 5th gen. Forum.:wave:
Your profile shows you have a 98 Explorer. If the 2013 Base is an addition, please add it to a signature. Thanks.
Your thread was moved to this thread on the same topic found using the Forum's 'Search' feature. Good luck.


has anybody successfully added auto headlights to a 2013 explorer base? I would assume you could possibly buy the headlight switch that has the auto, and the little sensor that goes into the top of the dash, then enable it some way with forscan? I have done a good amount of forscan mods on my 2015 f150 but I haven’t done anything yet to my explorer.
Have you tried this yet? I haven’t looked at the wiring but I think that the connector for the sun loader wiring harness is behind the glove box up in the dash. I figure that a wiring harness, sunloader and new switch would do the trick. Also would have to program it from forscan.

I just plugged the wires into the designated slots for my 15 piu. Havent connected the actual sensor yet. There's 2 sun sensor wires purple(pin 23 large connector) and yellow (pin 22 large connector) on the hvac module. A ground wire and a blue sensor wire to the bcm. Small grey connector c2280b pin 30

I just plugged the wires into the designated slots for my 15 piu. Havent connected the actual sensor yet. There's 2 sun sensor wires purple(pin 23 large connector) and yellow (pin 22 large connector) on the hvac module. A ground wire and a blue sensor wire to the bcm. Small grey connector c2280b pin 30
Were the wires already there? Did you just get the small grey connector c2280b and route it up to where the sun sensor would be?

I pulled the wires out of my parts cars dash harness. And just routed it myself

I pulled the wires out of my parts cars dash harness. And just routed it myself
Nice! So the wires are not already there? I thought that would be on the main harness. I found a plug behind the glove box taped up. On the diagram looks like where a pigtail for the sun sensor could be plugged into

Nice! So the wires are not already there? I thought that would be on the main harness. I found a plug behind the glove box taped up. On the diagram looks like where a pigtail for the sun sensor could be plugged into

Easy to check. Look at the wires if it's for the sun sensor it has a thin purple. Yellow light blue . And black wire.

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Easy to check. Look at the wires if it's for the sun sensor it has a thin purple. Yellow light blue . And black wire.
Copy That. Thank you. I’ll take a look later today when I’m off my shift.
