Front License Plate Bracket | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Front License Plate Bracket


Well-Known Member
July 1, 2019
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2023 Explorer ST
So... I remember a conversation about the bracket and people wanting to delete it... but must not have been its own thread since I can't find it post this... so here goes:

Thought some folks that were in that conversation would get a kick out of this.... got my NJ license plates today.... the bracket is to small and the plate doesn't fit on it. The dealer looked at me as he'd never had a plate not fit. We finally aligned it with two of the holes and the plate is on and secure... and looks ok... but certainly not how it was designed...

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My Illinois plate will not fit correctly, either. When the top bolts are installed the bottom bolts will not align with the lower holes of the bracket. I had to leave the bottom bolts out with the lower part of the plate sitting outside/on top of the two lower clips. Seems to be solid, but not quite flush with the bracket.

My Illinois plate will not fit correctly, either. When the top bolts are installed the bottom bolts will not align with the lower holes of the bracket. I had to leave the bottom bolts out with the lower part of the plate sitting outside/on top of the two lower clips. Seems to be solid, but not quite flush with the bracket.

exactly the same for me... 2 bolts on top and doesn't fit in clips on bottom or align with bolt holes on bottom.

Same for my Texas plates. Top bolts but the bottom is flapped over the slots it’s “supposed” to slip into.

So how hard is it to remove the front license bracket if it is not needed?

there was a whole discussion in another thread... which I couldn't find and why I created this one... if you purchased in a state that doesn't require a front plate... it theoretically shouldn't come with the holder.... but otherwise, if you do have one and want to remove it... you have to deal with the holes.

The link I posted should be all one needs.


It was really bugging me (the plate not fitting in the notches as it should) so I just went and got a plate cover to frame it up (same one I purchased for the rear). Texas is required to have the front and I prefer the bulk of the bracket, just wished it functioned as it was designed.


It was really bugging me (the plate not fitting in the notches as it should) so I just went and got a plate cover to frame it up (same one I purchased for the rear). Texas is required to have the front and I prefer the bulk of the bracket, just wished it functioned as it was designed.

View attachment 173586

I think it's theTexas plate being slightly over sized. Ohio plate fits properly. The frame looks good. Good solution short of cutting the plate down.

I think it's theTexas plate being slightly over sized. Ohio plate fits properly. The frame looks good. Good solution short of cutting the plate down.
Well Texas has evening BIG....LOL

So... I remember a conversation about the bracket and people wanting to delete it... but must not have been its own thread since I can't find it post this... so here goes:

Thought some folks that were in that conversation would get a kick out of this.... got my NJ license plates today.... the bracket is to small and the plate doesn't fit on it. The dealer looked at me as he'd never had a plate not fit. We finally aligned it with two of the holes and the plate is on and secure... and looks ok... but certainly not how it was designed...

Iowa license plates don't fit either. I ended up taking an oscillating tool and sawing off the two bottom tabs that are supposed to hold the plate. I was very careful and cut them flush with the rest of the bracket. Then I screwed my plate into the top 2 holes, then drilled new pilot holes for the bottom holes of the license plate. Problem solved.
