Wiring heated seat | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Wiring heated seat


April 9, 2019
Reaction score
City, State
Ohio on top of the mountain
Year, Model & Trim Level
07 xlt v8
Wiring up heated seats, so I found a hot wire that is only hot when running and connected to gr/red wire on console switch and ran wires to the seats from yel/blu & gry/blu but nothing happens when I push button on console. Tried wiring hot straight to each seat wire and still nothing. I did run a ground for the blk/wh wire off of console switch also. Any ideas on what I need to do? t/u

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  • Screenshot_20200308-112539_Docs To Go.jpg
    Screenshot_20200308-112539_Docs To Go.jpg
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you may need to do some software stuff in the SJB
the bits are not mapped out for the sport trac, but it probably needs to be enabled there.
some of the electronics or features can be enabled/disabled there

you may need to do some software stuff in the SJB
the bits are not mapped out for the sport trac, but it probably needs to be enabled there.
some of the electronics or features can be enabled/disabled there

Not sure what you are referring to but i have everything working, power 10 way heated driver and 6 way heated passenger with the air bags...

Wiring up heated seats, so I found a hot wire that is only hot when running and connected to gr/red wire on console switch and ran wires to the seats from yel/blu & gry/blu but nothing happens when I push button on console. Tried wiring hot straight to each seat wire and still nothing. I did run a ground for the blk/wh wire off of console switch also. Any ideas on what I need to do? t/u

sorry, I guess my English must not be very good - the quoted statement actually means everything works from your last post.

I misunderstood the quoted statement as: there were some issues and can anyone offer some ideas, so I offered a suggestion:
There is software "Forscan" that can be used to communicate through the OBD port with the SJB(Smart Junction Box) to enable and disable features on the truck.

sorry, I guess my English must not be very good - the quoted statement actually means everything works from your last post.

I misunderstood the quoted statement as: there were some issues and can anyone offer some ideas, so I offered a suggestion:
There is software "Forscan" that can be used to communicate through the OBD port with the SJB(Smart Junction Box) to enable and disable features on the truck.

Gotcha, t/u now I need to get a complete wiring diagram for the 2008 yellow plug connector under driver seat. It has an extra wire and my srs light is on...






This is the restraint system on 2007, the power seat diagram only shows the control side of things, no SRS stuff
