No gasket between Oil pump and block? 99 Explorer 4.0 OHV. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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No gasket between Oil pump and block? 99 Explorer 4.0 OHV.


Well-Known Member
December 18, 2011
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City, State
Las Vegas, NV
Year, Model & Trim Level
1999 4WD 2DR Explorer
So I got a new Long block from Powertrain Products and comes with a new oil pump and strainer with a new gasket for the strainer to pump but there is no gasket for the pump to the block base where it mounts with two bolts. There is a small white plastic ring gasket but does not seem to fit anywhere properly. Hayne's manual says to replace with new gasket when reinstalling the pump. I've searched high and low and also went to my local Ford dealership and they provided me a diagram and there is no gasket shown for where the pump mounts to the block. Anyone know if this is correct? Or is there a gasket that goes there? When I removed the old pump from my old block, I do not recall seeing a gasket there. I just need to be 100% sure before I drop this new engine back into my explorer. Please see attachment. The picture is supplied from Ford and is upside down but I drew arrows to where Hayne's manual says to install a new gasket. Cheers!


  • 4.0 OHV Oil Pump Diagram.pdf
    219 KB · Views: 151

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I don't think there is a gasket for the oil pump. The pump is inside the oil pan, no need to prevent an oil leak inside the pan. As of Hayne's telling you to replace with new gasket they may be talking about replacing the oil pan gasket.

I've encountered this (no gasket between oil pump and block) on multiple engines and not only Fords. My Fel-Pro full engine gasket set for my '01 4.0L Job 2 SOHC came with a gasket for the oil pump. The one I removed had no gasket so I installed the new pump w/out a gasket. I was concerned that if I used the provided gasket it might stress the plastic pickup tube as the pickup already literally sits on the bottom of the lower oil pan. They're both machined surfaces and if there is a small leak between the two there's nowhere for the small amount of oil leaked to go except back into the oil pan. I'm not the least bit worried about it.

no gasket
You can schmeer a little rtv in there if there are any knicks or issues with the two mating surfaces

no gasket
You can schmeer a little rtv in there if there are any knicks or issues with the two mating surfaces
Hey thanks for all the inputs fella's. Just wanted to make sure. My main concern is if without a gasket there might be a slight loss of oil pressure. But the surface of the block and new pump are pretty smooth. So if you guys have had no issues, I'm good to go! Thanks again.
