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Quick oil filter question


Explorer Addict
November 18, 2011
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City, State
Bowling Green, KY
Year, Model & Trim Level
2007 Ford Explorer 4.6 V8
07 4.6L - changed the oil a few weeks ago and have noticed a few small drops coming off the end of the oil filter since. I've wiped it down once and I can't get the filter any tighter by hand. I'll look at it this weekend and see if it's by any chance coming from anywhere higher up but the question is - can I drop the filter without draining the pan and not lose any more oil than usual? I assume so considering the filter location - just want to make sure I'm not missing something.

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Removing the filter only loses the oil in the filter and not the pan. A leak from the oil filter is usually caused by the old filter gasket sticking to the mating surface and the new one is installed over it. This typically causes a major leak. Another reason is the new filter gasket wasn't lubricated with engine oil before it was installed.

As 94Eddie mentioned, be sure there’s not 2 gaskets (old+new) on each other. But the filter should not only be hand tight but turned 3/4 afterwards with a filter-wrench.

That's what I thought but I've been surprised before. There is only one gasket - I always wipe the mounting surface down before I install the new filter. Maybe just a defect on the filter itself. I'll hit it this weekend - it's a very small leak.

Most common the oil adapter-to-engine gasket leaks issue...usually nothing to do with oil filter gasket...

Check and replace oil filter adapter gasket.

Clean mating surfaces from silicone with metal brush or sand paper.
Also check for adapter to engine mating surfaces corrosion signs.in worst cases ,oil filter adapter should be replaced.

Use OEM or quality aftermarket replacement seal (in worst case scenario,bad oil filter adapter gasket could cause coolant and oil mix)

Then comeback and check for steering pump leak.

Most common the oil adapter-to-engine gasket leaks issue...usually nothing to do with oil filter gasket...

Check and replace oil filter adapter gasket.

Clean mating surfaces from silicone with metal brush or sand paper.
Also check for adapter to engine mating surfaces corrosion signs.in worst cases ,oil filter adapter should be replaced.

Use OEM or quality aftermarket replacement seal (in worst case scenario,bad oil filter adapter gasket could cause coolant and oil mix)

Then comeback and check for steering pump leak.
I'm hoping it's not the adaptor gasket. I just put a new radiator in it and don't really want to deal with coolant for awhile now.

You can simply check this gasket thru driver side wheel fender...with flashlight or something...
If failed you should see some kind of junk and wet grease near the lower radiator hose adapter extension and flange bolts.

Approx. 2 hours of work with proper toolbox for a replacement procedure.

View from the battery side:

Should be nice and dry


The failed one ( factory 2006 production date stamped):

Water jacket oring damaged and oil inlet and output orings became dry and flat.
Then the oil just dripping on the oil filter,what looks like simple untightened filter oil seal leak

Great info Bazz - appreciate it. I'll check that before I pull the filter.

As 94Eddie mentioned, be sure there’s not 2 gaskets (old+new) on each other. But the filter should not only be hand tight but turned 3/4 afterwards with a filter-wrench.
Tightening a bit beyond hand-tight using a filter wrench has never caused me any problems (or leaks). BUT, not much more than 1/4 turn. Loosening to replace filter later will be a bit more difficult. Lubricating new filter's rubber seal is important; use of vaseline is a good choice.

Filter has to be tight. Motor oil on the gasket.


Well - I've owned this Explorer since 2008 and put over 110K on it while changing the oil every 5K with a little oil on the gasket and never more than hand tight. I still have to loosen it with a wrench the next time so it's pretty tight by my hand. Never had a problem until now. I was likely (but not necessarily) even sober the last time I did it.

Well, there’s your issue. A fella is gonna want to drink a few cold snacks next time.

After nearly 40 years of changing oils and filters for a living a couple of things I've found.
If you leave the old gasket on you will know the instant you start it. Trust me on that one.
Always oil the new gasket. I usually stick my finger in the filter mount and get a little oil there. It only takes a couple of drops. Some people "kiss" the filters, be sure the new gasket is clean.
Be sure the mounting surface is clean. Spray it with some cleaner if you have to, being careful not to blow dirt up inside.
I've found that tightening the filters as tight as I can by hand usually works. You are gonna need a wrench to remove it anyway. If you don't tighten it enough they will leak over time when the gasket gets old. Don't use a wrench to tighten it unless you can't get your hand around it, and then only give it a light tug. I've replaced plenty of filters for the first time and they are tight as heck from the manufacturer. They don't hand tighten them.
And yes, I've had a few defective filters along the way. I use AC Delco for my vehicles, I use Baldwin or OEM at work. Do your self a favor and use a name brand, they only cost a little more.

Well - I've owned this Explorer since 2008 and put over 110K on it while changing the oil every 5K with a little oil on the gasket and never more than hand tight. I still have to loosen it with a wrench the next time so it's pretty tight by my hand. Never had a problem until now. I was likely (but not necessarily) even sober the last time I did it.
I do the same as you - lube up the gasket, clean the surface, hand tighten and never have any issues. Next time I go to change, I have to break out the oil filter wrench because it's too tight to break loose by hand. I notice mine drips sometimes because I mught fill too much new oil into the new filter or accidently spill a little around the outside lip (the recessed part of the oil filter on the outside diameter of the gasket). After wiping down the filter, a wee little bit of oil will run down the outside of the oil filter due to the angle of the filter and gravity. In my case, I believe it's just from the little bit of extra oil sitting in this outer most recessed channel.

I’ve always changed it filters the same you do - lightly lube up gasket and install it hand tight.

But I had a weird run in my Lincoln LS a couple years ago where the oil was leaking, very lightly, around the new filter after installing. I tried replacing the filter with a new one - K&N, and the same thing happened - small amount leaking around the outside of the filter. And this is after inspecting the hell out of it, making sure the mounting surface was good, making sure it was tight but not too tight, etc.

Finally I switched filter brands and the the leaking stopped. I still can’t blame it on the K&N though, because I’d used em before and they didn’t leak.

Maybe switching brands might help? It doesn’t make sense and there might not be any correlation but it worked for me.

It's a Motorcraft filter - same as I've always used. I had the Explorer in the garage last night so this morning I did try to get a good look at the filter and the mounting plate but it's pretty well buried in there. Right now it's outside because the wife drove it today. We had about 5 inches of snow Thursday and it's been the running around vehicle since so I haven't really had time to look at it. I did wipe everything down again this morning and it's really a very slow leak so I'm not too worried about it for now. I'm leaving it out of the garage because it's supposed to start raining tonight and it needs a free wash job to get some of the salt off.
BTW - we didn't leave the house Thursday while it was snowing but the oldest kid had to go to work at 8AM on Friday. Since he is a fairly new driver I took him to work in the morning. It looked like things were clearing up with the sun out so we took him the car he drives - a 2008 Taurus - around noon. Still lots of snow and ice but improving. I've driven the Explorer in snow lots of times and it never disappoints. Driving the Taurus in the snow after driving the Explorer just really drove home what a beast it is in snow. The Taurus is skittish and spins at nothing with fairly new Michelin tires on it. The Explorer just goes - even when not in 4HI.

It's a Motorcraft filter - same as I've always used. I had the Explorer in the garage last night so this morning I did try to get a good look at the filter and the mounting plate but it's pretty well buried in there. Right now it's outside because the wife drove it today. We had about 5 inches of snow Thursday and it's been the running around vehicle since so I haven't really had time to look at it. I did wipe everything down again this morning and it's really a very slow leak so I'm not too worried about it for now. I'm leaving it out of the garage because it's supposed to start raining tonight and it needs a free wash job to get some of the salt off.
BTW - we didn't leave the house Thursday while it was snowing but the oldest kid had to go to work at 8AM on Friday. Since he is a fairly new driver I took him to work in the morning. It looked like things were clearing up with the sun out so we took him the car he drives - a 2008 Taurus - around noon. Still lots of snow and ice but improving. I've driven the Explorer in snow lots of times and it never disappoints. Driving the Taurus in the snow after driving the Explorer just really drove home what a beast it is in snow. The Taurus is skittish and spins at nothing with fairly new Michelin tires on it. The Explorer just goes - even when not in 4HI.
Identical experience with yours! My 96 Taurus with great tires still wouldn't make it up the 15% hill I park on , with 2 in. of snow. Got my 98 Ex after Taurus died (rust!) and it just walks over frozen snow piles and inches of loose snow, in 4x4 Hi, so tickled with it! I switch over to Auto 4x4 after I top the hill, very good on packed snow also.

A while ago I had an experience with a Puralator 30001.I dropped it on the driveway and it made a Z shaped crease in the shell.No problem for a while,then about a week later I noticed a tiny leak from the crease.It must have been sealed by the paint on the filter at first and then started seeping. Moral of story "Don't use dinged or bent filters or problems may occur.

Following up on this thread - I changed the oil and put a new filter on about 400 miles ago and it hasn't leaked since. And yes - there was only one gasket on the filter. Apparently the filter had a very small defect which was solved with a new filter.

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Thanks for the follow up.
