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Seriously Exploring Bar Stool covers and beyond

How much? When I get a bumper to hold my spare I'd like one =]

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Awesome stitching and knitting.
(Now there's a phrase I never thought I'd say)
The tire cover is great

I just picked up the zukmam made rear tire covers from work (where I had them shipped). I just unboxed them and put one on the tire. I need to make a cable/lock to keep them on but they fit perfectly.

That material really is strong.. and I think these will last forever..



still need the diameter of the steering wheel and the seat!

still need the diameter of the steering wheel and the seat!

I just wrote myself a note to do that tomorrow (its dark out already :()


Something new light covers are now available $25 for a set of 2

and then there were 2!

its a tool tote and a butt holder on wheels! and yes I can do different designs for the top!

keep the shirt design secret till i get the first 1 please,


How much are the tire covers, nice job!

a set of 2 6" covers are $30 includes shipping

sorry how much for one of the spare tire cover! Not the light covers although those are nice too.

sorry spare tire covers are $85 for a 35" tire = shipping
33" tires are $70 = shipping

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I finally got the cables in the rear covers.. Soo.. Here is the full fancy set of custom covers by the Zukmam...

