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Ham Radio Guys

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I would try and talk to you guys but I'm waiting for my name to pop up on ARRL and I'm going to assume its going to take a little longer than normal since there was that government shut down

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Perfect! She gets to go to her party, and you get to wheel! ;)

Lol. I actually like bringing the wife along. She doesn't normally ask for much so I thought I would let her have this one. Besides, I just realized that I still need to get my new rear leafs and traction bar in for a trip like this.

Name finally showed up on the site!!! I'm KK6HFN!!


Alright! Radio on order yet?! :)

All this talk about ham radios got me to transfer mine over from my Bronco:


It was pretty cool listening in to some contesting on 10M, I was hearing Japan and Germany coming in all over the place.

Nice! I don't have hf in the vehicle. Maybe someday.

Hello all! Joined here a bit ago when I was looking at Explorers but hadn't purchased one yet. That changed about 2pm today when I picked up a 94 in pretty good condition for a really decent price. Now that I see some HAMS are hanging around it makes it even better.

Licensed since 1976 first as WB9ZCO Novice - Advanced until I moved to Oregon then picked up 7 Area call of KK7UN. Then moved back to Illinois and upgraded to Extra and picked vanity call NW9T which I still hold today.

I contest, DX chase, build antennas, build and operate QRP rigs, Operate SSB, CW, Satellite, and a variety of Digital Modes including PSK 31, RTTY, JT65a and more.

Welcome JUNO! You planning to put a radio in the new Explorer?

Juno sounds like he is really in to it. Glad to hear that. Maybe someday he can explain to me the best way to find repeaters in a destination area so that in case of emergency I can use them to make an emergency contact.


ARRL has a pocket repeater guide, though some claim its not very up to date. But you can find an old one at a hamfest for cheap, and just keep it in your car when you travel. Otherwise, search for local clubs in the area you are going, and they will probably have a list of repeaters.

Juno sounds like he is really in to it. Glad to hear that. Maybe someday he can explain to me the best way to find repeaters in a destination area so that in case of emergency I can use them to make an emergency contact.



also has a android app. I do not know about IOS app..

If you have your route mapped out, also check the ARTSCIPUB site which stays pretty up-to-date on frequencies, PL codes etc. As long as you have access to Wi-Fi and a computer with you or access on your cellphone you're set.



As far as a rig in the Explorer more than likely I'll probably toss in my Yaesu FT1802M 2 meter FM rig. Most people would probably mistake it for a CB and pay little to no attention to it, rather than risking a multi-band HF rig being stolen.

Eventually I might grab one of the little MFJ SSB monoband rigs (only about 20 watts) which get some pretty impressive reviews for what they are. But I do enjoy running Portable so pulling over and stringing up a wire or portable antenna and running HF is nothing new and not that big of a hassle to do, except of course you're not moving down the road at the same time. On HF though the portable/wire antennas will always beat the mobile antennas. You can't expect an 8 foot mobile antenna to really compete with a 66 foot long end fed piece of wire on 40 meters. They work but always a compromise at best.

That's the exact radio I've got in my explorer. Now I need to find one I can afford that will fit in my focus. HT in the cup holder for now.

I tried the ARRL pocket repeater guide and asking 4X4 clubs in the area (maybe I should have attempted to find some ham radio clubs). Neither of these yielded reliable or even useful results in the past. The only time I got any useful information was when I was designing the building for a new repeater that was installed on the Rubicon. Then I got some useful info.

Your tips about:



That's the type of stuff I was hoping to get! I especially like the idea of the Android app considering I just picked up an Android tablet to use for GPS navigation. I'll check that out tonight.

Any tips on how to find harm radio clubs in an area that I am planning on going? I frequently do trips (once a year or so) to areas like:
- Rubicon
- Shaver Lake CA
- Death Valley
- Mojave Road
- Johnson Valley
- Truckheaven
- Moab UT
- Frazier Park

It would be nice to have the freqs, offsets and PL tones for local repeaters for emergency use. Not for talking since most talking I would be doing is within the group I am driving with.

I don't mind doing the research in advance, I just don't know how to get reliable information.

Thanks for the pointers!

Thanks for the link. I will definatly refer to this thread the next time I am planning a trip.

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Try this, the 4X4 Hams web site: http://www.4x4ham.com/about.php

They seem to be based mostly in AZ, but there is a lot of interesting stuff on their site.

I tried HF mobile in my Explorer, but it needs a lot of filtering, especially on the fuel pump wires, to make HF effective. Besides, there is too much traffic here in NJ for safe HF mobile operation, which requires more concentration than VHF FM. I do have an HF antenna mount on the Ex, so I can screw a Hustler or CB whip on when needed. I do public service comms with ARES, so the Ex is my doomsday machine. Brought her to hurricane Irene and also used her to haul a generator, shop vac and as much gasoline as I could scrounge down to the Jersey shore to help my sister and brother-in-law clean up after Sandy.

I have a 2010 Focus, too, as my DD. I've only used an HT in the cup holder and one of those skinny, low profile Opek magnetic mount antennas.

73 all,

