Anyone install a black grille on a white Limited? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Anyone install a black grille on a white Limited?


Well-Known Member
February 14, 2016
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Buffalo, NY
Year, Model & Trim Level
2017 Explorer Limited
I love the look of the Sport, but my wife hates black interiors.
Sooo, I'm wondering how the black grille looks on a white Limited without the black styled headlamps from the sport.
The gray grille just isn't cutting it for me.

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I searched online and found a picture of a white XLT with a black grille, hope this helps.

Black Grill

I would consider putting a black Grill on my black limited. The reading I've done so far seems to say it's be expensive and difficult.

I love the look of the Sport, but my wife hates black interiors.
Sooo, I'm wondering how the black grille looks on a white Limited without the black styled headlamps from the sport.
The gray grille just isn't cutting it for me.
There are several threads in the 'Modified' sub forum where members have changed the grill or painted/plasti dipped them. Here is just one I found using the 'Search' function;


I'm actually plastidipping the grill on my '15 white XLT now (in between coats at the moment).

I already did the chrome piece and emblems on the back but may re-do them cause I'm not 100% satisfied. A couple of bumps are on the 4WD emblem and there was a little bit of peeling on the chrome piece.

If it's nice tomorrow I may give those two another shot.

Here it is.


  • front-3-small.jpg
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  • front-1-small.jpg
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I love the look of the Sport, but my wife hates black interiors.
Sooo, I'm wondering how the black grille looks on a white Limited without the black styled headlamps from the sport.
The gray grille just isn't cutting it for me.

Black interiors and black grills should both be outlawed!

Black interiors and black grills should both be outlawed!

Being a person that owns a white XLT with black interior and now a black grill, I don't understand your reasoning. What does the interior color have to with the grill color?

I can see interiors and exteriors as a bad combination (blue interior and red exterior). But grills?

It's all a matter of opinion, but I think the black grill looks great. Love the contrast with the white paint. I love black interiors, too. Especially with 3 young kids at home. They tend to be a little messy and the black interior holds up much better, at least for my use.

It's all a matter of opinion, but I think the black grill looks great. Love the contrast with the white paint. I love black interiors, too.

I agree that the black grill looks great. With that said, the black grill looks best complimented with black wheels, black roof racks, white door handles, etc., similar to the XLT Appearance Package. The grill on the Appearance Package is not quite black though, a very dark gray, which also looks great.

I do like it.

Is that a spray can job?

How did you keep the stuff out of the radiator?

Yes. I used a spray can.

I removed the bolts and 2 plastic clips from the top piece above the grill (inside the engine bay). Was then able to pull the grill forward a bit to slide down a piece of cardboard to block the radiator. It worked out well.

Yes. I used a spray can.

I removed the bolts and 2 plastic clips from the top piece above the grill (inside the engine bay). Was then able to pull the grill forward a bit to slide down a piece of cardboard to block the radiator. It worked out well.

hi martin028, how many can of plastidip have you used for your grill, did you also used glossifier?
