Rough idle and NO power on '94, HELP! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Rough idle and NO power on '94, HELP!


Well-Known Member
February 20, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Virginia Beach, VA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1994 2dr Sport
In my quest to get rid of my valve rattle/pinging or whatever I replaced everything but the EGR so far (sensers) I most recently replaced the 02 sensors and I still had the god awful noise, so I decided to check the gap on my plugs. I did that and had to re gap a few on the drivers side. I then went to take it for a spin to see if any of that helped and everything was fine for about a mile at around 50mph, the it started feeling like it was missfiring. SO I pull over and check all my plugs since I messed ewith them last and everything is fine. I then went to drive it home and I couldn't even get up to speed, I had NO power but the RPM's would go up gradually. I got it home and let it idle for a minute and it started to idle really REALLY low then it would die out on its own. If I restarted it it would run just like normal for about 30 seconds then start to idle rough again then slow down then die out if I let it. It revs up just fine when in Neutral and I hear a slight knocking sound while its idling rough/slow. I was reading in my shop manual last night about the EGR, and it was saying pretty much if it is stuck one way or the other it will give the symptoms like I described earlier.

Any help on this would be awsome...
Thanks in advance

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1. Make absolutely sure you have the wires on the right plugs.
2. Check all your electrical connections again.
3. Re-set the computer.
4. Check for vacuum leaks.
5. If you think the egr valve is sticking, try tapping on it with a hammer to see if it frees it up.

I did all luck. I dont have a vacum pump to really test the EGR. I am completely stumped here. I am about to go go buy a new EGR valve..even if its not the cause it is still 180,000+ miles old. And my fuel pressure is at about 40.

Also does anyone know the "technical" term for the octane shorting bar I hear about. I pulled that out when I couldn't think of anything else when I was trying to make my box of rocks stop shaking around under my valve covers and it completely stopped the noise but I know it is just a bandaid for a more serious problem.

I was advised by a friend that I should check out the MAP sensor. Do I even have one of those?? WHat does it look like and where is it??? and what does it do?

Anyone have any suggestions? I really dont want to take it somewhere to get it worked on...

I dropped it off at the shop last night. They called me today and told me they recomend that I take it to Tidewater Electric Co., and that they have no clue what is going on with my X. They also didn't charge me anything which is the only good thing so far. Right now I am to the point that I don't know what else to do, and I can't afford to take it to that shop. I am thinking about parting it out unless I figure out whats wrong really quick..

MAP sensor (manifold absolute pressure) monitors intake manifold pressure and sends the info to the ECU to control fuel output. We don't have a MAP sensor, our engines use a MAF sensor instead.

Wish I could help more but plugs/plug wires was the only thing I could think of and you've already checked them.

it ended up being the coil pack, she purs like a kitten now!
Thanks for the replies!

Thanks for posting the cure Lance.
