Interchangeable years for factory cd player. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Interchangeable years for factory cd player.


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March 6, 2009
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1999 XLT Explorer 4x4
I have a 1997 Explorer Limited and I want to keep the factory stock look and I am wondering what year would be interchangeable with my 97. I am looking for a single disc cd player, but I cant seem to find a 97 stock cd player for my 97 Explorer. Any input would be very helpful,

Thanks alot..


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Post the part number from your head unit...

I think the part # that is on the back of the audio guide that came with my explorer is F77J-19A016-AA. Thanks

I think 95-97 are differnt sense they had blue dash lights. 98+ had green. I do have a factory 6-disc I'll sell you cheap. Came out of a '04 Escape but fits my '99 no problem. If it will work for ya $50+ shiping. It looks like brand new.

I might be interested would the light color be the only difference or would the wiring be different? and how could I tell if it would work in my explorer?

Hello all, Just looking for a good place to check out aftermarket parts for the explorer. It is 97.

I might be interested would the light color be the only difference or would the wiring be different? and how could I tell if it would work in my explorer?

i just got the deck out of a 01-03 sport, and it isnt plug and play with my 96.

Ditto, the pre 98 trucks have much different wiring in the dash. Those require special adapters to use other non year specific parts. Others know the differences well, hunt around and you may find a way to use the more common later stuff.

Thanks Roy, I need to save some more of the better links to use for threads like these.

Thanks Roy, I need to save some more of the better links to use for threads like these.

Don you provide a wealth of great information for everyone here. I hope I can help half as much.


Thanks, I do well with general things, and I have to look up details that I forget.
