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Hey, Everyone!

You can create a secure wireless network inside your vehicle and let passengers surf the net. Up to five devices may be connected at a time. It's great for long road trips when someone in the vehicle needs to work, cranky teens that NEED to stay connected to their friends at all times, or your toddlers can connect to Netflix to watch their favorite kids show! This can be created one of three ways:

Plug a USB Mobile Broadband device into the media hub (see two examples below)
Set up Phone Tethering through Bluetooth
Access a nearby Wi-Fi Hotspot

Here are two USB Broadband devices that are known to work:

Manufacturer: Sierra Wireless
Device Model: USB 598
Device Type: CDMA
Device Carrier: Sprint

Manufacturer: Mercury
Device Model: USBConnect Mercury
Device Type: GSM
Device Carrier: AT&T

For Bluetooth phone tethering, please be sure that your phone is equipped with PAN (Personal Are Networking) and you have the proper data plan to support it. We have also updated our Phone Compatibility Chart on SyncMyRide.com with phones that are capable of phone tethering. Check it out:



Media Hub?? Do you mean the USB port?

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Hi Rebecca,

Does the Ex take your phone's 3G signal and create a wifi hot spot or does it just take in your phones hotspot and amplify it within the cabin?


It takes your 3G signal and creates a hotspot in your vehicle.

Media Hub?? Do you mean the USB port?


Yes, by Media Hub, I mean one of the USB ports. The Media Hub is what we call the location of the SD slot, USB ports, and A/V ports.

Let me know if you guys have any other questions!



Let me know if you guys have any other questions!



I have a Blackberry 9900 and it doesn't have PAN, but does have DUN (I believe - I know it will install software to a Windows/Mac system to tether). Can I tether with DUN to provide hotspot?

I guess i still dont really understand the point of it. An iPhone or similar, or mobile wifi already does this. What is the point of running the signal back through the mft? I suppose if you only had a USB air device then it would be ok for that, but who uses those any more. Did I answer my own non question? lol.

This only works with the vehicles equiped with MFT right?

This only works with the vehicles equiped with MFT right?


You are correct! MFT only.

I guess i still dont really understand the point of it. An iPhone or similar, or mobile wifi already does this. What is the point of running the signal back through the mft? I suppose if you only had a USB air device then it would be ok for that, but who uses those any more. Did I answer my own non question? lol.

Heath t,

This feature isn't for everyone, but there are people that do use their phones for tethering still :)


I have a Blackberry 9900 and it doesn't have PAN, but does have DUN (I believe - I know it will install software to a Windows/Mac system to tether). Can I tether with DUN to provide hotspot?


No, DUN is not currently supported.


Hmm, I wonder if we could set up DLNA with multiple mobile devices using the Ex's internal WiFi. Ooh, it would be cool if MFT could act as a DLNA server with media from the USB port. Hey Rebecca, see if you can make that happen! ;)

Hmm, I wonder if we could set up DLNA with multiple mobile devices using the Ex's internal WiFi. Ooh, it would be cool if MFT could act as a DLNA server with media from the USB port. Hey Rebecca, see if you can make that happen! ;)

LOL I'll get right on that!! :p:


Yes, I found the Wifi hotspot feature not very useful. If I have my phone I already have WiFi I can share. I have connected MFT via WiFi to the Internet, but MFT doesn't use the connection to say upload vehicle report or download traffic or Sync services faster.

A dedicated aircard is superfluous if I already have a phone with me. A dedicated basic Android phone can share WiFi, is cheaper than an air card and the phone makes phone calls where the aircard does not.

I must be missing the usage scenario ...

My point was that the wireless device you would use, already supports multiple tethers. Like iPhones and Droids. not sure about Fred Flintstone tech Black Berries, but all the other modern phones already let you tether 5 things.

Yes, I found the Wifi hotspot feature not very useful. If I have my phone I already have WiFi I can share. I have connected MFT via WiFi to the Internet, but MFT doesn't use the connection to say upload vehicle report or download traffic or Sync services faster.

A dedicated aircard is superfluous if I already have a phone with me. A dedicated basic Android phone can share WiFi, is cheaper than an air card and the phone makes phone calls where the aircard does not.

I must be missing the usage scenario ...

I think the usage scenario existed 3 or so years ago, when aircards were the way to get data when so many phones didn't offer tethering. I would imagine it was about that time when MFT was being feature finalized. It's like Subaru having a wifi hotspot option, unfortunately it was already too late, and expensive, and that was before MFT was even released.

Having a MIFI would rendered the internal WIFI moot. Plus I can walk away from the vehicle with the the MIFI.

Yes, I found the Wifi hotspot feature not very useful. If I have my phone I already have WiFi I can share. I have connected MFT via WiFi to the Internet, but MFT doesn't use the connection to say upload vehicle report or download traffic or Sync services faster.

A dedicated aircard is superfluous if I already have a phone with me. A dedicated basic Android phone can share WiFi, is cheaper than an air card and the phone makes phone calls where the aircard does not.

I must be missing the usage scenario ...

Your not missing anything, if you have a smartphone with Personal Hotspot functionality you dont need MFT WiFi.

Its only worthwhile if you had a USB style modem say on a different data account or you didnt want to use your phone's data account.

Is there a difference with the USB hotspot versus using the iPhone existing one? ATT charge (iirc) for this facility.

Would the MFT tether be classed as an ATT tether and therefore subject to a montly charge?

Is there a difference with the USB hotspot versus using the iPhone existing one? ATT charge (iirc) for this facility.

Would the MFT tether be classed as an ATT tether and therefore subject to a montly charge?

I believe it would, as the MFT would be tethered to your phone to gain internet access.
