Metal box above spare tire | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Metal box above spare tire

Johnny Cougar

July 3, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
Long Island, NY
Year, Model & Trim Level
'97 Eddie Bauer
Hey all:

On my 97 Eddie Bauer, there is a steel box above and to the left of the spare tire. The box is rotting out from rust. What is this box for?

Thanks in advance,
John Fordham

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No, this is to the left and behind the spare tire winch. It looks like brake lines are running into it, but I am not sure....

I think thats the fuel evap canister.

Is that box the canister, or is it just a bracket that holds the canister? If its just a bracket, I could probably build a new one with stainless or aluminum. It looks like if I didn't have the spare there, the thing would drop out after a good speedbump.

braket, some later models have plastic ones, I changed mine to plastic, so it stopped rusting :D

The cannister will be plastic, that is likely a bracket around it.

braket, some later models have plastic ones, I changed mine to plastic, so it stopped rusting :D

Where did you find the plastic bracket? Mine is rusted out and busted so it bounces and rattles under there but I can't find the brackets in the Ford database...

nothing like digging up an old thread but im running out of places to look.

98 Explorer XLT 4dr 4x4, im leaking/pouring brake fluid out of this control unit/box thats located above the spare tire. I can't seem to find any info on it such as what is it called, what the replacement project involves, etc. I know the gas evap canister are suppose to be located there but there must be something to do with the brakes in that area. Any insight would help.

it's not coming from that box. you probably have a rusted metal brake line that's leaking. pretty common in older x's.

are there brake lines over the top of the box that far back? if its not coming from that box it leaking over the top and down the inside of the bumper

I'm a basic weekend warrior mechanic. I can do bolt on type work. Is replacing brake lines something I should try to tackle with very limited time on my hands? If anyone has a write up on it save that would be great

There is a junction block for the brake system on the frame above that evap setup. As for doing it yourself, non of the lines are hard to replace. The only tricky part is bleeding the brakes afterward. It can be intimidating if you've never done it before but its not that bad.
