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Can't fill gas tank

There is a rollover check (a plastic ball about the size of a ping pong ball) in the bottom of the fill tube to prevent gasoline from coming out of the tank when the vehicle is upside down. Most every vehicle has one. When this sticks closed, you will have this problem. Get a piece of 3/8" hard plastic tubing about 4' long and push it down the fill tube till it stops.

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I have a 2002 exploder with 258k miles on it. Original engine and tranny, along with most every thing else. Has had 9 wheel bearings put in it though.
My problem now is it won't take gas when I try to fill it up. The nozzle keeps kicking off due to gas coming back up the fill tube. I have checked for blockage of the fill tube as best I could without taking the lines off, and have found nothing (coat hanger and snake). Sometimes, it takes it at about half the rate the pump will put it in at, most of the time it takes me 10 minutes to fill the tank from empty.

Any idea what is in the air circuit that could be plugged, or anything else that could cause this?
I searched the forum but could find nothing. Maybe using wrong search strings, but ....

Any help appreciated. Hate to go get an F150 just because the ole girl won't drink when I lead her to the creek.:D


Your problem is probably a plugged vent. Dust and dirt from gravel roads is the most common culprit.

I have had the same problem

first a small drip where rubber connects to filler tube and now I HAVE TO PUMP EVEN SLOWER now and leaks even more . Upon inspection noticed that vent rubber tube was cracked going to try the vent hose first because up in the rear behind fender and I drive a lot on gravel roads. I'll post back with results.

All this posts seem to match my problem.

2011 Ford Explorer. I have to pump gas very slow or the auto shutoff kicks in. This is from the very start of a fillup of an empty tank. I put in about 1-2 gallons and eventually it kicks off again. I also see droplets of gas next to the right rear tire. The puddle seems to form about 4 to 5 inches in from the inside side of the tire. I have filled up since but it takes forever and continues to leak every couple of gallons. The pump nozzle auto shutoff also kicks off when it goes too fast. Today yet again I gave up after putting in 12 gallons. At first I thought that maybe the Costco pumps were pumping too fast but now after reading several of the posts above I am not so sure.

I suppose I should take it to a dealer but we are strapped for cash right now. Anyone know of a schematic for this assembly online? I took a look at a Chilton's and the picture was not clear at all and I couldn't tell what was what.

All this posts seem to match my problem.

2011 Ford Explorer. I have to pump gas very slow or the auto shutoff kicks in. This is from the very start of a fillup of an empty tank. I put in about 1-2 gallons and eventually it kicks off again. I also see droplets of gas next to the right rear tire. The puddle seems to form about 4 to 5 inches in from the inside side of the tire. I have filled up since but it takes forever and continues to leak every couple of gallons. The pump nozzle auto shutoff also kicks off when it goes too fast. Today yet again I gave up after putting in 12 gallons. At first I thought that maybe the Costco pumps were pumping too fast but now after reading several of the posts above I am not so sure.

I suppose I should take it to a dealer but we are strapped for cash right now. Anyone know of a schematic for this assembly online? I took a look at a Chilton's and the picture was not clear at all and I couldn't tell what was what.
try turning the pump handle upside down be careful when doing this start slow and if it works on full throttle turn off and try it rightside up works on my mustang happens every once and awhile

Same problem on my '02 XLS. Tried checking the spring-loaded valve in the tank (seems to work fine). Tried running a long, unbent hanger down the vent tube from gas cap housing (twice). No joy. I'd already replaced the vent valve solenoid (which is normally open anyway) a couple of years ago.

Not sure where to go next--maybe charcoal canister (there are two--which one?). Anyone replaced a canister? Does one need to drop the tank for that?

I'm wondering if the evap PURGE solenoid (in engine compartment) or the fuel TANK pressure sensor (sits on top of the tank, top of fuel pump) could have anything to do with this? Replaced fuel pump with Delphi unit two years ago, and the pump works fine. PITA!

I have a 2002 exploder with 258k miles on it. Original engine and tranny, along with most every thing else. Has had 9 wheel bearings put in it though.
My problem now is it won't take gas when I try to fill it up. The nozzle keeps kicking off due to gas coming back up the fill tube. I have checked for blockage of the fill tube as best I could without taking the lines off, and have found nothing (coat hanger and snake). Sometimes, it takes it at about half the rate the pump will put it in at, most of the time it takes me 10 minutes to fill the tank from empty.

Any idea what is in the air circuit that could be plugged, or anything else that could cause this?
I searched the forum but could find nothing. Maybe using wrong search strings, but ....

Any help appreciated. Hate to go get an F150 just because the ole girl won't drink when I lead her to the creek.:D

I am having similar issues with 03 Explorer Sport XLS
