Custom Emblems | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Custom Emblems


Well-Known Member
November 11, 2013
Reaction score
City, State
Southern California
Year, Model & Trim Level
2014 Explorer Sport
I don't care for the Ford emblem on the front and back. It always stood out to me and detracted from the rest of the vehicle. It does look a little better in black, as some people have done. But the "bubbly" look still just doesn't fit. So I took it upon myself to change the game. I still haven't got it where I want it, but gotta start somewhere.


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That looks cool its custom only you have this. There is a mod showing how to take the blue off the Ford emblem and repaint it another color. I did it to mine made the color black. I kinda messed up on my first try. But its OK its not blue no more..

Where did you buy the emblem?

Looks good! Did you make this yourself?

thanks. yea, these weren't bought... they're completely custom. i designed the graphic, had it printed on special vinyl, and precision cut an acrylic mold to wrap around. for a one off shot deal, it was pricey.

if there's enough interest, I could produce the acrylic ovals in bulk so other people could do the same thing much cheaper. (by same thing, i mean create their own custom badge)

thanks. yea, these weren't bought... they're completely custom. i designed the graphic, had it printed on special vinyl, and precision cut an acrylic mold to wrap around. for a one off shot deal, it was pricey.

if there's enough interest, I could produce the acrylic ovals in bulk so other people could do the same thing much cheaper. (by same thing, i mean create their own custom badge)

If the oval is made of acrylic, does that mean it is clear or slightly opaque? how would it look if you put the design on the back of the acrylic and have the design/logo appear through it (if that makes sense). can the acrylic be colored?

The acrylic that I used is clear, but it is available in many opacities and colors.

I've never tried putting the design under the acrylic. I'm not sure why you would want to do this. The purpose of the acrylic is merely to cover the holes and give the acrylic something firm to bond to (if you tried to put the vinyl directly on the body, it would recede into the holes).

Also, I'm not sure how you would put the vinyl on the opposite side... the sticky side of the vinyl is always opposite the pattern / design (the side of the vinyl you want showing).

Curious... what would you be trying to accomplish by this method?

The acrylic that I used is clear, but it is available in many opacities and colors.

I've never tried putting the design under the acrylic. I'm not sure why you would want to do this. The purpose of the acrylic is merely to cover the holes and give the acrylic something firm to bond to (if you tried to put the vinyl directly on the body, it would recede into the holes).

Also, I'm not sure how you would put the vinyl on the opposite side... the sticky side of the vinyl is always opposite the pattern / design (the side of the vinyl you want showing).

Curious... what would you be trying to accomplish by this method?

I dunno if I explained it correctly, but I suppose the "look" Im implying is kind of like a glass paper weight. they tend to be solid piece of rounded or squared glass, and they always have something either embedded in it or a picture of sorts on the bottom of it. since the glass is clear, you can see the image through the whole piece. I would assume that the adhesive would be sandwiched in between the picture and the glass, or in your case, the acrylic. And of course the adhesive would be clear so as not to distort the image. Sorry if I confuse you more.

Love it!! I just got a 2015 Sport and can't wait to get started on making it mine... now all I need is some money...
