Lift Kits | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Lift Kits


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June 20, 2018
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2002 Ford Explorer, XLS
I am considering a 3" leveling kit for my 2002 with stock wheels and a little bit bigger tire. Can anyone tell me if I will get decent ground clearance? I need a lift due to hunting in a rugged spot with lots of tree stumps. I do not feel like putting a lot of money into bigger wheels and tires and nobody at my local shops seem to know how big a wheel and tire my truck can handle. thanks

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The 3" lift will increase the center, and frame clearance. To increase the clearance at the ends of the suspension (the lowest part on the truck) you will need bigger tires. There are lots of threads about tire sizes and how large you can go, just do a search.

If you install a 3” spacer lift, and go from 235/70/16 (29 x 9-1/4) to 265/75/16 (32 x 10-1/2) tires, you will raise the vehicle approx 4 to 4-1/2”.

I have a 2” spacer lift, with 265/75/16’s and just quickly measured about 12” of clearance at the front crossmember, and about 13” under the rear diff. My driveway is not perfectly flat so give or take a 1/2” or so.

I also have a 3” body lift, but that doesn’t directly effect ground clearance. It will allow bigger tires though, which will give more ground clearance. Next set of tires for me may be 285/75/16 (33 x 11-3/8) which would give me another 1/2” or so of ground clearance.


Yours looks exactly like I'm looking for thanks, where did you get the kit?

Go to the modified 2002-2005 sub-forum that is just to the left of this one on the main forum page. You will find all the parts including the build posts which has the kit numbers and instructions with pictures from guys that have done what you are looking for! Modified 2002 - 2005 Explorers

Yours looks exactly like I'm looking for thanks, where did you get the kit?
There are not any ‘kits’ made for the Explorer. The strut spacers were bought on eBay, and I installed them myself, along with new Moog struts. They attach to the top of the strut, making it longer which pushes down on the lower control arm which in turn lifts the truck.

There are numerous threads on the forum about it.

The body lift is the Performance Accessories PA883 kit, but it is for the Ranger pickup. I bought it on Amazon. In my signature there is a link to the body lift thread.

Good luck, I hope this info helps.
