A few pics of my old gal (and my POS Sport Trac) | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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A few pics of my old gal (and my POS Sport Trac)


Explorer Addict
September 2, 2011
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Please go to post #5 to view photos.

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I can’t see the images :dunno:

I can’t see the images :dunno:

That's weird. I just copied and pasted them from my email acct. I can see them fine. What are you trying to see them on under what OS?

Okay - I'll try something else. Maybe I can download the pics and attach them as files?

See if you can see these copied from Imgur...





Flip flops?

No, black rubber garden clogs... LOL and the reflection looks like I'm huge and short, like a fun house mirror.

Looks nice, makes me want to wash and wax mine. Here, I live in the path of an airport runway and now that it stays parked outside, gray jet exhaust creates a hazy coating on the hood and top, but at least the sides look shiny still... though this is probably not the best lighting to take a pic.


Nice trucks mine is dirty now :(

Looks nice, makes me want to wash and wax mine. Here, I live in the path of an airport runway and now that it stays parked outside, gray jet exhaust creates a hazy coating on the hood and top, but at least the sides look shiny still... though this is probably not the best lighting to take a pic.


Looks good from here.

Beautiful pictures

Both Explorers look great.
Love that Medium Wedgewood Blue.

Super clean Splorer !
On the opposite end of the spectrum my paint has hairline cracks all over it from ocean air but since it's for off-roading that's a plus....when I'm coming into a tight spot / brush everywhere etc I just plow through it - got it for a steal due to poor paint ! win win....

who's doing the laundry?

Truck looks so clean!!
I need to wash something

Thanks for sharing that truck has lots of PIO! (Pride In Ownership)

who's doing the laundry?

Truck looks so clean!!
I need to wash something

Thanks for sharing that truck has lots of PIO! (Pride In Ownership)

I don't have the time to spend washing my own vehicle (or the inclination). I have a brand new excellent soft-touch car wash in town. $12 for an exterior & wheel/tire wash with tire shine, then they have about a 15 free detailing stalls where they supply all kinds of cleaners and microfiber towels to use. Each stall has it's own super powerful vacuum that is almost too powerful, all at no cost. They even give you a free air freshener with each wash. For $29 a month they offer unlimited washes.

wow that is a great service! Those new mega wash centers are pretty cool
Rain washes my trucks LMFAO!!!

wow that is a great service! Those new mega wash centers are pretty cool
Rain washes my trucks LMFAO!!!

Yeah, I've never been a big car wash guy (except when I lived in New England and I'd go once a week during the winter for an undercarriage wash) but it's so convenient and quick it saves me so much time and this new car wash gets 98% of the dirt off and leaves the truck nearly 100% dry. 10 mins in the detailing stall and I'm good to go. I often get compliments on my truck with people surprised at how old it is, plus it runs and drives like a new vehicle (well a new vehicle with a body- on-frame and HD towing leaf springs in the rear). I love my Expl and it may very well be that last vehicle I ever own so I might as well take good care of it.

You are doing a fantastic job!! Its in very capable hands :)

Both trucks look great. I always thought these designs have aged really well (unlike some modern trucks - they are ugly now, I can't even imagine how ugly they'll be in 20 years - The new Silverado comes to mind).

Of course, I grew up in the 90's when these Explorers were aspirational, so that might have something to do with it :)

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Rain washes my trucks LMFAO!!!
I wish I had that problem. Where I live, it usually doesn't rain enough to get the ground wet so the light mist of rain cools the air causing a breeze that picks up dust to stick to the wet car. The first time I washed my 68 cougar, it changed colors. It sat in a field at my parents house for 13 years. I brought it to phoenix, cleaned it up and sent a picture to my mom all excited about how the car was white again. She sent me a picture of when I first got the car, it was a light yellow color.
