I got my white coat!!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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I got my white coat!!!


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April 25, 2000
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Houston, Texas
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2008 JK
Just got home from my White Coat Ceremony. Down here, you get your coat when you start med school. Orientation started today also. Next week we start Gross Anatomy class, fun stuff!

So now I'm officially a Wannabe M.D. Now time for a nap before I go out and get drunk :chug:

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congrats dude, or should I say, "congratulations Dr. Rosenbaum"


Now just dont try to drive splat home after you get drunk or you will need a real MD to fix you up. j/k:D

Congratulations Dr. Rosenbaum!!!

Good Luck in the medical field! I have a friend that's starting that med. stuff, but shes going to a regular college now as a freshman.

"paging Dr. Rosenbaum, paging Dr. Rosenbaum"

"you are needed at the BAR ASAP!"

Congrats Alec!!!


Congrats alec, i know exactly what your going through. Just hang in there with it!

I've been working in the Medical Field for 4 years now and love it!

(if you were wondering i work Health Physics)

Congrats DOC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have a beer for me and get someone to buy you one from me!!

Congrats Alec....now you can tell your old high school peers you are a DOCTOR. Even if you aren't a full fledged one yet, you can fake 'em out he he :)

It's crazy, out of an incoming class of 200, I know about 50 :) Between HS, UT, summer school, camp, jew stuff, and otherwise I know a bunch of people! Hopefully I start the year off right.

Just stay away from the sauce during the hard parts and you should be OK:)

Can you imaging parking a jacked up, supercharged Explorer amongst all the other doctors' BMWs and Mercedes? :confused:

Congrats Alec!!!

Now if I can just get you to go fix the A/C at my parents house in Galveston, it went out yesterday and the roof is leaking. My parents bought this "getaway" last year and they have been down there twice......Jennifer and I are gonna try to make it down there in the spring so maybe we can hook up....

This place they bought is like on 7th and something, it is a little Yellow house and it is one of the historical homes that survived the "big one". It was a corner store for years from what I understand until the previous owver changed it back into a house...let me know if you see it, we got some guy down there that is the "care taker" but personally i think that would be a great job for me!!!!

Originally posted by yob_yeknom
Can you imaging parking a jacked up, supercharged Explorer amongst all the other doctors' BMWs and Mercedes? :confused:

Believe me when I say that there are very few medical students, residents, and fellows with BMWs or Mercedes. They pay you nothing and work you like a dog. It's only after you pay off that $100,000+ in loans that you can begin to think of a car like that.

Anyhow, congrats Alec. A few tips. Make sure you take at least one day a week to party/take it easy. If you don't med school an kill you. There was a story floating around the hospitals a few years ago about a guy in New York that was worked too hard. He went home exhausted after three days straight, passed out in his kitchen, hit his head on the kitchen counter and bled to death. Could just be an M.D. urban legend.

Med studens can be quite cut-throat. Some people think that they have to stab everyone else in the back to get the residency they want. In some (ophthamology, dermatology) that may be somewhat true, but in general it isn't. Many people start off as nice guys, but end up a jerk because they are constantly competeing for that prized spot. Just remember that you will get it if you work for it. Most important, HAVE FUN. It takes more than medical school to make a doctor.

BTW: How do you like Glaveston? My cousin and his wife did their residencies out there a while back.

Also, I may be coming out there November 8-9 for the ACP-ASIM conference. My wife is presenting a case report. She won the regional contest and is now at the State competition. If she wins here she goes to the national level in San Diego next year.

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Congrats, Alec! Now go get sh!tfaced, hehe...Round of tequila, on me...;) :D

Originally posted by Alec
Just got home from my White Coat Ceremony.

ALEX don't scare me like that, I thought they put you in a white jacket!!!!!:D

Glad to hear you are getting settled in and hopefully you will get some studying done.

Good luck little buddy!!!!

congrats, man!

Congrats! After you become an MD PLEASE just dont turn into an a-hole like most of the other Jewish doctors I work with. I have a feeling you won't.

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If you end up coming back to austin anytime soon... hit me up. I throw a good bash. I got a chance to run some questions by you on the phone and you were more than helpful. Good luck in the coming years.....
