too cold to start | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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too cold to start


Well-Known Member
August 17, 2002
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Ft. Wainwright, Ak
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ok, so it's been between -30 and -50 all week. I've been keeping the truck in the garage and starting it at lunchtime so it would start later. Well got lazy today and decided it would be ok through lunch. Well day is over, time to go home and it won't start :eek: it turns over ok, so the battery's good, but the fuel line froze up on me :( So got a friend to take me home, I now have jumper cables, just in case, and some starting fluid. It's only supposed to be -2 tomorrow, hopefully she starts. Man I tell ya, ya just gotta love alaska. Oh yeah, did I mention when it gets that cold, all exhaust(car, factory, etc) doesn't evaporate and creates and ice fog, can't see more than 50 ft when driving. On the cool side, if you boil a cup of water and throw it in the air, it evaporates before it can hit the ground.

:chug: :chug:

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i thought it was bad when it got into -3 today, and is currently -7 with schools in northern minnesota canceling

tomorrow we are suposed to have windchills here of about -20, with hope that govener paulenty will cancel school statewide

i feel for ya man

Wow! I've only seen -25 F once in my life; I was living in Missouri about 20 years ago and it was the overnight low. Day time temps were near -5 F. Today, the high in Dallas is supposed to be around 50 F. Stay warm up there!

have you tried running dry gas?

I've got some dry gas, just to lazy to put it in :eek: gonna put it in now, although it's not supposed to get that cold again anytime soon. Got her started today, but only after she tried to kill me. Pull the intake off and sprayed some starter fluid in her and had a buddy crank her over. I sprayed some more in while she was cranking when it ignited and blow out the intake and all over me. After getting my gloves put out :rolleyes: I threw snow on the engine to put it out. After letting it sit for 2 more hrs at only -2 she started :D

:chug: :chug:

odxtoxic said:
i thought it was bad when it got into -3 today, and is currently -7 with schools in northern minnesota canceling

tomorrow we are suposed to have windchills here of about -20, with hope that govener paulenty will cancel school statewide

i feel for ya man

Try -40 in Crookston, MN! and the coldest windchill I remember was -60 or so when Governor Carlson closed schools statewide many a years ago (about 10 years ago?)

I feel for you guys.

About a month ago it got down to about 40 at night where I live.

I thought my ba@%s were gonna freeze.

I NEVER thought I'd say this, but 40 would be a heatwave round here

:chug: :chug:
