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AWD question


February 4, 2004
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'01 XLT
Since I bought that 5.0 X I asked advice about I have some other questions.

I tried it out in foot deep snow. When I tried to climb a hill to see what it would do I spun it out. It only spun the right side wheels and the ABS light came on and wouldn't go back out. I had to shut it off to get the light to go out. This can't possibly be right is it?

I also noticed in the book that all 5.0 Explorers have to have a friction multiplier in the rear diff. That says posi to me but it only spun one rear wheel. Any ideas?

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there is a good chance that the limited slip has burnt up. the abs light has come on once and a while in snow but if itdoes not come back when the car is restarted then you don't have a prolblem

welcome to the site..

next time you try going up a hill in snow put the truck in "2" second gear. that allways helped me with the AWD and getting traction. as far as only one tire spinning mine also did that every now and then.. same with the abs light.. the abs light comes on to let you know the abs is nolonger working. turn the truck off and restart that should reset the abs and the light should go out.


that sort of thing happens without lockers.

with open diffys, both wheels on the axel always have the same amount of torque. a wheel with no traction (the wheel spinning) equals zero torque. So the other wheel wont have any torque either, and if it does have traction then it wont even budge.

Basically if one wheel from each axel is either off the ground, on ice, or too deep in snow or mud, then your not going anywhere.

hmm...never had that problem in snow before or the sand dunes. No ABS light either.

The front is an open diff and the rear a 373 posi with clutch packs. I have had my rear diff rebuilt once for loosing a piece of clutch pack.

You should be having no problems at all. Might want that rear diff checked.

I talked to a guy at the Frod dealer about this and he tells me that a Limited slip will not lock it up like a posi locker. I thought they did the same thing just different. Guess I need to do a limited slip google search and do some reading.

Limited slip is the same thing as posi-traction.
A limited slip/posi-traction, it aids in getting power to the tire spinning but it can't do as good of a job like a locker could.
