Angle Eyes on an 02 4-door? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Angle Eyes on an 02 4-door?

I was thinking about tring to convert to the headlights from an 02 4door on my 01 sport. I picked up a set of the housings and found that there was no way I could get them to work with out an entire new hood and grill. Too much for me so I am deciding to sell them. However, I am going to sell them customized the way I was going to use them. Has everyone seen BMW's Angel eyes?

I am going to do that to my headlights and to these ones for an 02+ 4 door.

This is what I am thinking:

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Or blue:

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So, what color would you want. White or Blue, or another color?

If you are interisted in buying a set of these let me know I only have one set to work with so I will only be able to sell one set to someone. Shot me an email if you are interisted.

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Blackmagic, you always do the best mods to your X. How do you think of this stuff? Anyway I believe the true angel eye headlamps on the BMW 5 series are an amber color. Personally I would just make the lamp circumference light up the same color as the bulb. That way you would be able to tell that they are custom, but it wouldn't stick out too much.

How much would you even want for them?

I really don't know how much I would need for them. I am really disappointed that I couldn't get them to work in my truck. So I am just going to mod them and sell them either here or just on Let me know what you would pay for a completely custom one of a kind set of headlights for your rig?

BlackMagic, perhaps you should do a little research before diving into a mod! I know these lamps weren't cheap!

Depending on the cost, I would be interested.

Ok, I got the first headlight appart:

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I will get the neon wireing as soon as possiable. I have decided to do white so that it is not too rice looking.

black magic

where did you get that yellow 9005 bulb?

who is it made by? was it expensive?

is the shield on the low beams removable?


So Black Magic... Have you decided to sell them? I am very interested.

email me please.


You can get them off ebay.


I want them with the Angel Eyes mod in them. Which you cant find on eBay, these would be one of a kind.


I swear I saw them on ebay earlier today.


I think purple would look neat, but how bright? There is a lot of surface area, but purple bulbs are typically pretty dark.


purple is dim....

I finished one side last night! It Looks Great! I took pics but I lost my cable for my camera since FL. I will try and find it or just get a memory card reader and post pics asap! I ended up using Purple. Since I couldn't find white. It really looks good. The color is not bad at all and they are just the right brightness. When I post pics, I will see if anyone is intrested in buying the set complete and ready to plug in.

cant wait to see what this looks like

post already

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