Door compatibility? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Door compatibility?


Elite Explorer
November 6, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Des Moines, Iowa
Year, Model & Trim Level
'01,'02, '04 Sport Tracs,
Are the doors on our STs the same as the 2nd Gen Explorer 4 dr? I know the trim/mouldings are different. My '01 driver's door has rust on the outside and the seam on the inside is rusted. When I was at the salvage yard Saturday, there was a very nice Explorer door, already off and the right color (black). Even has the keypad.

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Nope, mirrors will work but the doors themselves are different. Even the doors from an '01-03 Sport won't work. I've researched this over the years because I wanted to build half doors for when I go trailin' but you need ST doors, atleast from everyone I've talked to and read. Sorry man. You know how to weld, right? How bad is the rust? Pictures.

Thanks. I've been saying the 2001-03 Sport was the same as the 2001-05 ST from the "B" pillar forward.

Need to find those misleading posts I made and change them to "A" pillar forward, or firewall. :confused:

Trust me if a door from a Sport worked I'd already have half doors built. Lol.

I'm not a welder. If I had done something over the summer, I probably could have saved the door, but by next summer, it may be too late. The rust on the outside is just a small spot in the center of the bottom edge. That's not too bad. The lower seam on the back side is getting pretty rusty all the way across.

Wow, even my doors aren't rusted out yet and I live in the rust belt. Starting to get rust n the inside seams. If you don't weld you can always grind the rust down and use something like POR15 to seal it for winter so you can fix it in the spring. Have any pictures of how bad they are?

Iowa has it's share of rust issues too! I think this truck has had a hard life. I've got some Rust Converter in a spray can. POR15 is no doubt better, but temps are in the 20's already, with no significant improvement in sight. I could get it inside at work if I get a slow day - assuming the truck ever starts again. The rust on the outside is minimal, and visible. I just hadn't realized how bad the seam is til last week. I'll try to get some pics.

Yeah, put sur rust converter on in and maybe bed liner or something to seal it.

I'm not sure the numbers that come up with these links tell us much. I looked at them several times before I saw that the listings for the Sport Trac show the same part # and price for both the door shell and the outer panel, and the listings for the Explorer only show a part # for the outer panel, and don't list the door shell. I'm assuming the shell is a whole door and the outer panel is the part we see when the door is shut. If that's correct, we only get a part # for the whole bare door for a Sport Trac, and a part # for just the outer sheet metal for the Ex.

I tried looking up aftermarket doors with little success. I guess you have to be a body shop with an account to get access. The one listing I could find said "fits 4 DR Explorer Sport Trac; exc Sport Trac". Maybe they're confusing Sport and Sport Trac?

Got these snapped just as the tow truck came to get the truck to get the starting issue fixed.

101_2228 (640x360).jpg

101_2229 (640x360).jpg

I grew up in Pittsburgh. Lots of rusty cars. I moved to North Carolina in the 80s. Down here in the piedmont, there is a no rust. My 2001 is rust free and no snow here.
Dave p.

That's just surface rust, you can easily grind/ sand that down and treat it before it gets worse. No reason to get new doors for that.

^ Agree. I was expecting to see MUCH worse. Prep, paint, and relax.

Thanks, guys. I know the outside is just surface rust. I probably overreacted about the seam because I saw it Sunday when I was frustrated over the no start issue (which has been resolved).

I cannot go along with the door statements.

Everything I see shows all Sport Trac doors are interchangable between years.

My question was, will 4 door Explorer doors fit Sport Tracs?

I misread parts of that, particularly Steve's post.

You ever have a Ranchero?

I had/have a '74 GT I bought new right after high school. Saddle Bronze with an orange stripe. I ordered it with a 302, modified that a bit, then had a .060 over 460 (472) built for it in '78. Ran a 4bbl for a year or two, a dual quad tunnel ram for a year, then scored an ultra rare factory 3x2 intake. That intake is where my forum handle comes from. It hasn't run for 9 years and is way too rusty to rebuild. I recently sold the intake to the friend who got it from Jack Roush for me back in 1980. He works for Hendrick Motorsports, and plans to put it on a '70 Falcon he's building.

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Just thought your username reminded me of someone from Ranchero.US from some years back.
So your friend must be from my neck of the woods. Roush-Fenway and Hendricks and a dozen more are just across the lake from me. Bet that will be a helluva Falcon!
