Heater blowing out top vents | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Heater blowing out top vents


New Member
June 4, 2014
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Appling, GA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2011, Explorer, Limited
why would my heat blow out the top AC vents instead of the floor. Plenty of heat but won't blow out bottom or even at defrost vents.

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Welcome to the Forum Eddie.:wave:
Have you checked the settings in the 'Climate' display as to how you have the air distribution set up?
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Yes even when I manually change the air flow from floor to defrost back to auto the flow rate and direction does not change.

Yes even when I manually change the air flow from floor to defrost back to auto the flow rate and direction does not change.
I'm guessing that this is something new and it hasn't done this before. What happens when you switch over to A/C. Does the air change to different vents? There have been issues with the blend door actuator but not sure if this would b e the case here.


No change in air from vents. I checked the blend actuators and the are functioning ok. This is a new issue. Had the car 4 years without this issue.

You check the right actuator? The defrost, panel, floor actuator is #1 in this diagram and it is way up on the HVAC box on the driver's side.


I have taken all the panels out, but i am still having problems with the attached reference drawing. Do you have the other numbered items so i reference direction of actuator?

1. Defrost/panel/floor mode door actuator
2. RH Temp blend door actuator
3. Air inlet mode door actuator
4. Blower motor
5. Blower motor speed control
6. A/C evaporator discharge air temp sensor
7. LH Temp blend door actuator

Front vents only-Cannot change to defrost or floor

I think I know the answer to this, but I can't find anything to authenticate my thoughts.

I recently replaced the BLEND actuator in my 2011 Explorer. Everything was fine for about 6 months, and while I can still control the temperature in the front compartment, I can no longer change the blower to blow out of anything except the cabin vents (no defrost or floor modes).

I'm pretty sure I saw an actuator sort of behind and below the Sync system in the center (It LOOKED very similar to the blend actuator.) when I replaced the blend actuator. Is that where my problem is? I assume this thing is electronic and not vacum based as it seems most of the newer models tend to favor electrical over vacum.

Any advice? Am I barking up the right tree? Is it fairly easy to get to? Any videos anywhere (I can't seem to find one on Youtube.)? Part number?

I was raised in a garage and body shop all my life (heavy equipment and automotive) and consider myself a mechanic, though not by trade like my daddy was, so I'm not scared of the work. Just want to make sure I'm fixing the right thing if I can.

Thank you in advance!


Hi Shelton. This may be the answer to the question I just posted today, or may at least point me in the right direction.

It's hard to tell from the detailed diagram. Where exactly is this (looks pretty massive) assembly located? The reason I asked is that it almost looks like it ought to be under the hood.

Maybe this ghetto drawing will help:


I'm bumping this back up because nobody has committed to what exactly the problem might be. Sure, I believe it's probably #1 in the diagram above, but that thing looks ridiculous to get to, especially if that's not it. Anybody have any ideas before I jump off this cliff?

I have taken all the panels out, but i am still having problems with the attached reference drawing. Do you have the other numbered items so i reference direction of actuator?

Did you ever find out what your problem was? I have the same problem. Thanks,

Well if you want more information then download forscan and get an obd2 to bluetooth adapter and read the HVAC module codes. The actuator has a potentiometer in it to feedback the position. If the position is not being fedback correctly or the resistance of the actuator is off then it will have a code set in the HVAC module.

Well if you want more information then download forscan and get an obd2 to bluetooth adapter and read the HVAC module codes. The actuator has a potentiometer in it to feedback the position. If the position is not being fedback correctly or the resistance of the actuator is off then it will have a code set in the HVAC module.

Thanks. I have an adapter but have only ever used Torque on other vehicles. I had no idea FORscan even existed and certainly no idea that the HVAC would even throw a code on something like this. I'll give that a try.

Yes it is the defrost actuator which is located far up on driver side. I took it in to the local shop to tackle. I could not get to it myself. They estimate 3 hours work time. Thank you for your help with this.

Yes it is the defrost actuator which is located far up on driver side. I took it in to the local shop to tackle. I could not get to it myself. They estimate 3 hours work time. Thank you for your help with this.

I haven't really rammed my head under the dash to see how bad it is to get to but the service manual says you have to remove the brake pedal and instrument cluster. States the instrument cluster has to be removed to access one of the 3 screws for the actuator through the IC area.

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It was bad. REALLY bad. Took me about 3 hours, but it's done and fixed. Thanks for all the help guys.

I will NOT do the next one. ;)
