Help: Explorer towed away in the parking gear! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Help: Explorer towed away in the parking gear!


New Member
August 21, 2014
Reaction score
Year, Model & Trim Level
Ford Explorer 2014 XLT
I have a Ford Explorer 2014 XLT. Yesterday I travelled to a town 50 miles from my home where I stayed for a few hours. When I returned to the car park I found out that my car had been towed to a yard. At that point, I found out that I didn’t park my car properly and hence it was towed.

My concern is that my car was in the parking gear (with the parking brakes on as well). I am sure that they towed my car on a tow truck to the yard with was around 10 miles away from where I parked my car. I am assuming that they lifted the front of the car and towed it. Can the experts let me know if that would have caused any damage to the transmission of the car since it was in the parking gear with the parking brakes on?

When I got my car back, I drove it all the way back home. It seems fine to me but still I am concerned. I checked the user manual and it says that this model uses front wheels most of the time and engages the rear wheels when needed. Do you guys think if such a car is towed from the front (front wheels lifted) with the parking gear and brakes on? Does that effect the transmission in any way or am I just being over conscious?

Secondly, what would be your opinion if they guys towed the car from the rear and not the front?

Thanks and regards,

