I think I figured out a fix for the code 36/37 airbag light | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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I think I figured out a fix for the code 36/37 airbag light


November 27, 2006
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 XLS
I just purchased a 2000 X with side airbags and it was flashing the code 36 light when I bought it. I did the blow trick in the yellow connector under the driver seat and it would fix it temporarily. As soon as I had someone in the back seat accidentally kick the wire or if I moved the driver seat, then the light would come back on. I tried a new fix and it seems to have worked so far:

1. Unplug the connector and bend/twist the electrodes on the male side slightly to get a better contact.

2. Cut a small piece of thin cardboard about 1" x 1/2" from a cereal box or similar item.

3. Take the piece of cardboard and put inside the connector and press it together. It will be tight, but play with it and it will go together.

After doing this, I grabbed the wires, shook them, pulled on them and I could not get the light to come on. It has not come on since. I think the factory connector is too loose and adding the cardboard makes it really tight and keeps the internal prongs from moving around and triggering the light. :thumbsup:

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I recently purchased a 1999 model and the airbag light was on. The previous owner said a mechanic wanted about $400 to replace a harness and maybe $400 more for another harness if the first one didn't work. I checked on here, and, following the sage advice, reached under my two front seats and shook and tugged on the two yellow connectors. That was last night. So far, all day today the airbag light has remained off. I haven't tried the cardboard trick yet, but I appreciate all the help here - it saved me about $800 in needless repairs!

i also have a 1999 model and i have the same problem with the airbag light. i cant pass inspection with the light on. i tried the blow trick and no luck. i only have one yellow connector under the drivers seat. there are 2 wires that are taped off under the pass seat. should i have one connector under each seat? cant i dissable the light just so i can pass inspection. i live in ny but have to drive to virginia to have it inspected. its a real pain in the a$$. any help would be great.

i also have a 1999 model and i have the same problem with the airbag light. i cant pass inspection with the light on. i tried the blow trick and no luck. i only have one yellow connector under the drivers seat. there are 2 wires that are taped off under the pass seat. should i have one connector under each seat? cant i dissable the light just so i can pass inspection. i live in ny but have to drive to virginia to have it inspected. its a real pain in the a$$. any help would be great.

Is your vehicle equipped with side airbags? If so, the yellow plug should be attached to a wire in each seat. If not, there should be a dummy plug that plugs into the yellow plug on both seats. The passenger side should have the plug as well, so it sounds like someone may have been tampering with things under there.

i dont have the side airbags. there is a yellow plug under the drivers seat and two wires taped off in some loom under the passenger seat. i also diconnected the battery for 30 mins hopeing to reset it but, just my luck that didnt work either.

If you don't have side airbags, each seat should have a yellow "dummy plug". This plug is equipped with a resistor so the computer thinks it has side airbags. If the passenger side is missing the plug, then I would say that you need to get one. The alternative would be to measure the resistance of the driver's side plug and buy a resistor at a electronics store that is equivalent and hard wire it in.

the code36 airbag fix

try moving the seat backwards. i did this with the escape, no light all day. it sounds like a loose connection in the plugs under the seat. a resistance issue. this happened to me once before and the fuse pull and short the battery positive to the block worked then. but not this time.
