One more O2 question / 97 4.0 SOHC | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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One more O2 question / 97 4.0 SOHC


New Member
January 12, 2000
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City, State
Burlington, MA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1997 XLT
I just failed state inspection for emissions w/ my 97 Explorer. I've got 160,000 largely troublefree miles on her, but had noticed at higher speeds (75+) the check engine light would flicker on. It would eventually flicker out as well. This past summer, it came on while my wife was driving it on the highway - she phoned me to tell me about it - and I told her not to worry about it and it would go out. It didn't. I haven't noticed any performance / fuel economy / driveability issues with the truck with the indicator on. Anyway, here's the codes I have from the inspection print out:

P0133 and P1131

Alot of what I've read here seems like it applies to modified trucks - chip change outs / other fuel & air mixture changes, which made me hesitant to try them. My truck is "plain vanilla" as far as engine tinkering goes, just some oversized tires that I put on nearly 5 years ago.

Any help or ideas would be appreciated.


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being that you truck it that old... and that many miles... it could just mean that an oxygen sensor or two need to be replaced... try putting the codes into the search function of this site... you should be able to come up with a whole bunch of people that have had the same problem...

my diagnosis is a oxygen sensor or two... (easy to replace 50 bucks a piec) but it could be some bad wiring also.... it wont cause any drivability issues because the computer has a (limp) mode where it goes to a set of ranged settings instead of using the sensor... but i would fix it.... do a search on those codes and see what you get

I too have a 1997 SOHC 4X4 which will soon need O2 sensors. What is the easiest procedure to replace the before cat O2 sensors. The front connector plugs appear to be located on or near the firewall and difficult to reach.

Can anyone clarify the method of access through the console? I have read that there is an access panel for this need, just wanted to know if this panel applies to the 1997 with the "high series" console.

Sparks said:
Anyway, here's the codes I have from the inspection print out: P0133 and P1131

I checked around and here's what I found.

P0133 O2 Sensor Circuit Slow Response (Bank 1 Sensor 1)

P1131 HO2S 11 Indicates Lean


i would replace bank 1 sensor 1 and reset the computer... then see wht you get... most likely either the connection to the sensor or the sensor is bad and its givinga false reading causing your engine to run lean or think its running lean so it richens the mixture... thus wasthing gas... plugging catylytic converters and causing you to fail the inspection.... so replace the sensor and run a tank of fuel injector cleaner through it with some premium fuel when u go to take the test again

how many oxygen sensors in a 99 sport 4.0 sohc?
