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Tranny leak


August 5, 2004
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1996 Eddie Bauer 5.0L AWD
Thanks in advance for the advice and help. I have a 96 5.0L AWD Eddie B Explorer. A couple of days ago I noticed a burning smell coming from under the vehicle. Upon checking it out I found that there was a leak coming from a large round plug on the transmission. My question is, is it the plug that is leaking or is there something under it that is loose or leaking?

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large round plug? hurm... can it be tightened or anything do you have and pics

What color is the fluid that is leaking? 2 years ago I also noticed a "burnt smell" and looked under the vehicle and transmission fluid was dripping on the exhaust. Found out it was a seal around the torque converter.

the large round plug is the access plug for the torque converter.... unless the drainplug on the torque converter is leaking its probably a bad seal around the torque converter shaft going into the tranny..... on another note ... if your truck is not used to hard acceraration and you floor it a few times you will get a smell of sulfur or rotten eggs.... this is the cats burning all the crap out of them.... but for your sake i hope its not the leak as you have to pull the whole tranny to do that....

97BLACK, What do I need to do to inspect it to make sure its not the torque converter leaking.
