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Warn Winch


Well-Known Member
December 14, 2001
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City, State
Calgary, AB
Year, Model & Trim Level
'92 XLT
I'm going to look at a WARN 8000 winch tonight, only $275 for it. QUestion is if I buy it and it turns our to be a peice of crap can the thing be rebuilt (electric)? Or when I'm looking at how can I tell if its been abused?

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It will be hard to tell if the "insides" need to be rebuilt but you can check for physical damage; check for burrs on the cable- check the cable thoroughly for ANY damage/rust etc. At 275.00 it may still be worth buying just make sure you replace the cable(if needed) before using it. Is the winch hooked up so that you can test the motor?Does it come with the mounting hardware for the Explorer?What model is it? Some of the big Warn winches cover the grill, blocking the radiator and causing the engine to run a little hot.

It is an 8274 and it comes with a brushguard bumper (whatever that is). It doesnt come with mounting hardware but as long as I can find spare parts in case it has to be fixed then I'll feel a bit more comfortable.

Have you seen the 8274? That's a big sumbit** I own one. Had it on my Scout II. It's a great winch but HEAVY! Go check it out; the weight of the winch and the brushguard is a lot to add to your truck. Look at how you are going to mount it as well; will the brushguard bumper bolt on to your frame? will it be more trouble than it's worth. Mine is sitting in my garage waiting for my buddy with a F150 5.7L to buy it from me:)IMO it's too big for the Explorer unless you are running Dual shocks and a 3" lift. But then again it would be a fun project to wrench around with.

IMHO the Warn 8274 is one of the best winches available. The problem is they are extreemly tall compared to most other winches. If the winch works, it is a steal at that price. If it doesn't work, the cost to fix it can run as high as buying a brand new winch. Either way you go, good luck and remeber to post some picks if you get it.
