What is this harness? And more... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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What is this harness? And more...


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October 12, 1999
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'17 F-150 FX4
I was going to install an iPod to my stock unit, but when I pulled the unit, I found the port was used. I circled the in-wires (not the orange fat wire, but the square harness). Can you tell me what these feed? The port that is used would be used by the AUX-POD, and I'm guessing they're prewiring for a non-existant XM receiver. However, I don't want to disconnect anything without knowing what I am doing!

I have a 2004 with the 6CD Audiophile system (and possibly a useless iPod converter kit and accessories.. sigh)

Also, if you can, what is the port to the right of the square port used for (did Ford change ports for the external AUX-in?)


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Could it be your sub amp wirings?? Assuming you have the Audiophile system.

robnu0069 said:
It controls your changer if you have one ( i Think)

It can't be the changer. It has only a few wires. The changer has at least 8 or 10 wires.

Do you have rear audio controls? If so, it could be that. I know that in my stock unit, both my rear controls and changer wires fed the same way.

Did you get the converter from pioneer? (The CB-RC10 [or something like that]) I was thinking about gettong one of those.

Hey, Adam. Unplug it and see what doesn't work. So here're some speculations about the wirings:

CD-changer (sounds totally redundant since you already have a changer built in)
Rear audio controls


Indeed, Ford now runs the amp and sub through the AUX port (mfsob). I have no idea why they did it this way, considering in the past it was not done this way. Were they jealous that folks were tapping their AUX in for their own use?

ARGH. I have a for sale thread for the AUX-POD. Hopefully someone will take this cool, but useless, item from my hands.

AUX-POD? What's that? Got a link for me to take a look at?
