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Plowing with a Explorer


Active Member
January 19, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Schaumburg, IL
Year, Model & Trim Level
'97 V8 AWD XLT
Ok who says the explorer isnt the most useful general purpose SUV on todays market is sick in the head.

Here are some shots of the Explorer with a 7.5ft Snoway Plow on a recent storm here in illinois.




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thank god i dont have to deal with snow here in sunny fl! It was 76 today!

Cool - never thought I'd see pictures like that. Just take care of your transmission (filter, fluids, coolers, temp gauge) -- good luck plowing snow


that is awesome.. it sucks here so far.. not really any snow more than an inch or 2... last year at this time we were about 3 or 4 storms deep each at least 6 inches..
this isn;t wny i moved from florida.. I want More Snow!!!

I work in Breckenridge and I plow snow with a '96 dodge 2500 reg cab and I bet that plowing with that explorer is a lot more cush of a ride. I agree with keeping on eye on the transmission and fluids, etc. Important stuff for plowing. we've been plowing snow here almost everyday since end of november. We have lot's of snow here. 178" so far this season has fallen.

send some this way lol

I'm jealous!!! I wanted to add one to mine but my insurance co. wanted no part of me having one. I didn't bother sourcing another co. who would let me have a plow.

Ohh yeah i watch the Trans temps via the Autometer in the guage pod as well as added a secondary transmission cooler as well as having a stock one. The temp and the very most gets up to 140 and thats it. Very cool running and have never seen any problems with it. Let me tell you of Cush of a ride, i pump the tunes via XM. Can easliy spend some quality time with the x for 10 hours, the most ive been out is 19 hours max on a storm, nothing like that this year.


Very nice. That dodge I plow with is like riding in a 1930's dump truck. Very harsh. Off the topic here, your running 33x12.50x15 goodyears? Any lift? Dosen't appear to be much in the pictures there.

Yes I am running the goodyears, I have done the TT in the front the bolt is fully cranked and in the rear i have the shackles and aal I need more lift though im getting bored with it. LOL

i do not believe it yesterday i am complaining about snow i get up at 10 last night to go to work and driving to work in heavy snow and all night show sleet rain snow sleet rain big slushy mess. turned back to heavy snow now.

thanks god..
