Now what--- stub tube loose | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Now what--- stub tube loose


January 10, 2006
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1998 XLT
Has anyone had this happen...
1999 5 speed auto
The little stub tube on the trans where the fill tube goes in has come loose and is leaking.

Is there a repair for this?

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I have never encountered this personally. I have rebuilt transmissions where there was a ton of silicone sealant at that location, so maybe that's the fix.

rickvo said:
Has anyone had this happen...
1999 5 speed auto
The little stub tube on the trans where the fill tube goes in has come loose and is leaking.

Is there a repair for this?

On a 91 Ranger that I bought recently, the stub tub & the dip stick tube came off leaking out ATF. I had to use epoxy that I got from work which is used to hold rebars in concrete. :)

You could do 2 different things that will work for you. The first things is to take it out, and use Locktite. They make different types for different holding strengths. Get the type that says it can't be removed without using a torch. That is the strongest one they make. The second fix if by some small chance this doesn't work is to pack the sides of it with Hercules Propoxy20. It comes in a grey tube with a black, and white putty. When you start to squeeze this stuff, and mix it, it will get a little warm, and turn grey. That is when you apply it. It will take 20 minutes (Propoxy"20") to harden as its name says 20 for 20 minutes. You can even do both fixes, just make sure that your surface is clean, and dry before applying anything.

BrooklynBay said:
You could do 2 different things that will work for you. The first things is to take it out, and use Locktite. They make different types for different holding strengths. Get the type that says it can't be removed without using a torch. That is the strongest one they make. The second fix if by some small chance this doesn't work is to pack the sides of it with Hercules Propoxy20. It comes in a grey tube with a black, and white putty. When you start to squeeze this stuff, and mix it, it will get a little warm, and turn grey. That is when you apply it. It will take 20 minutes (Propoxy"20") to harden as its name says 20 for 20 minutes. You can even do both fixes, just make sure that your surface is clean, and dry before applying anything.
Not meaning to Hijack But ProPoxy 20 Rules.
Can be drilled and tapped, sets up like iron in 20 mins,even underwater.
Wonderfull stuff


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That link appears to be an aftermarket fix, which adds an O ring seal into the case and a new tube "opening" for the fill tube to mate to. for $2.75 I'd try it out.

I was just looking at the picture of that piece that is used to repair this problem. One idea that came to my mind was to use a pipe tap, and make a thread in the housing for a small piece of brass pipe to go into. You could then use a small piece of rubber hose, and clamps as a coupling with your piece of pipe to connect your filler tube. This would never come apart, but I wonder if the lip of the pipe would interfere with the dipstick going into it. Maybe you should just try that fix for $2.75. If they make a fix for it, then it might be a common problem that was adressed to the aftermarket industry. I wonder if Ford will correct it on the newer models.

Any major stores have Hercules Propoxy 20??

Most hardware stores, plumbing dept

FYI... I expanded the tube so it fit as tight as possible..(had to drive it in) then I used pro-lock 4 locktite I think prolock 3 would be ok too.... solid as a rock!

It is important to make sure that however you repair it, it will not allow water to leak into the transmission at that point. If in expanding the tube, it was not nice and round such that small channels might exist where moisture could find its way in, I'd maybe try and run a ring of silicone sealant around the connection of the tube to the case, just be to be sure.

thanks to all you guys...

thanks Glacier991..... I thought the same thing, so I had already done the silcone sealer. Its solid as a rock. thanks
