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How to deal with your significant other

Niice ride JDraper, I don't think I've ever seen it around.

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It's around a lot. My wife uses it as her daily driver in nice weather. I had it out twice today for runs to Lowes and Advance Auto for stuff. I'd bet you've seen my other ride around town...



It's around a lot. My wife uses it as her daily driver in nice weather. I had it out twice today for runs to Lowes and Advance Auto for stuff. I'd bet you've seen my other ride around town...


Thats a familiar vehicle :D

Thats a familiar vehicle :D

Ya think? I dunno..don't know if you've seen it before....:p:

'course it still has pucker marks in the passenger's seat from that 2nd-3rd gear twitch at 80 on the corner...:burnout:

my wife doesnt like me really spending money i dont have period... but i dont spend or cost her money weither so shes ok with it... she doesnt like cars or me talking about them. she would rather have me away working on my truck than have me following her around the house or getting on her nerves... works out for both of us, it gives her a chance to miss me, and she values the time she spends with me even more

Ya think? I dunno..don't know if you've seen it before....:p:

'course it still has pucker marks in the passenger's seat from that 2nd-3rd gear twitch at 80 on the corner...:burnout:

I recognize the car but not the crazy lunatic(s) behind the wheel..

Once I upgraded to Wife version 2.0 all of those issues about not spending money on cars, motorcycles, boats went away. Wife 2.0 likes her Ex and wouldn't trade it.

Once I upgraded to Wife version 2.0 all of those issues about not spending money on cars, motorcycles, boats went away. Wife 2.0 likes her Ex and wouldn't trade it.

:D Wife 2.0 where do i buy one of these upgrades? Do they have girl friend 2.0?

I love my wife very, very, very, very much.
She loves my explorer. Encourages me to work on it and has money allotted in the family budget to modify it. She even helps me and comes up with ideas to modify it.
I am blessed beyond compare :D

LOL!!! I think I have you all beat!! My wife went out and bought a '93 GMC
4X4 with a 350 while I was gone.
When I asked what she was going to do with it... she replied, "STRAIGHT AXLE IT... WHAT DO YOU THINK?"
This is the pic of it when we bought it.

She went & bought a Chevy :eek: :eek: :eek:

That's grounds for divorce.

She went & bought a Chevy :eek: :eek: :eek:

That's grounds for divorce.

lol. Can't say much my fiance got a malibu but thats before she met me, now she's driving th 96 ex and the malibu is off the road for awhile. And she likes the ex better.

As Pro-Ford as I am, that is a sharp truck.

As Pro-Ford as I am, that is a sharp truck.

Well... I know you don't want it, but I am selling it for 3,500... for anyone who is interested

I actually am kind of interested in it, but only because I know a couple friends that would buy it from me, lol.

You have a PM.

T!ts and Tires are expensive no matter how you look at it. You dont take care of your car your gonna pay for it later.. You dont take care of your woman....
They both require time, money, attension, affection.. and sometimes we say things to them we dont mean..

I tell my wife that if she doesn't like it, she knows where the door is, lol.
She puts up with me pretty well, but still competes for attention of course, for example; "Why do you take so many pictures of your truck and none of me?"
Sometimes she also seems jealous that my trucks are nicer than hers is, and complains about things like her stereo sucks or tires are too loud (they're mud tires!).
I would spend more money on her car but I don't drive it, duh!
I'm putting the old sport trac wheels and new tires on hers, maybe shackles and torsion bar adjustment. That might get her off my back for a while. lol :rolleyes:

I tell my wife that if she doesn't like it, she knows where the door is, lol.
She puts up with me pretty well, but still competes for attention of course, for example; "Why do you take so many pictures of your truck and none of me?"
Sometimes she also seems jealous that my trucks are nicer than hers is, and complains about things like her stereo sucks or tires are too loud (they're mud tires!).
I would spend more money on her car but I don't drive it, duh!
I'm putting the old sport trac wheels and new tires on hers, maybe shackles and torsion bar adjustment. That might get her off my back for a while. lol :rolleyes:

aw man fix her stereo its cheap and not very time consuming, and everyone deserves a good stereo. i put a $120 cd player and all new speakers in my girls car and she was happy as hell. As for the pictures part tell her if she posed and looked sexy for you you'd take pictures of her too and i bet you get something good out of it.Get the creative gears rolling.
i'm as much of a car guy as most of you but i like my chick a little more then my cars. that doesn't mean i'd give them up for a girl but i like spending time with her a little more

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aw man fix her stereo its cheap and not very time consuming, and everyone deserves a good stereo. i put a $120 cd player and all new speakers in my girls car and she was happy as hell. As for the pictures part tell her if she posed and looked sexy for you you'd take pictures of her too and i bet you get something good out of it.Get the creative gears rolling.
i'm as much of a car guy as most of you but i like my chick a little more then my cars. that doesn't mean i'd give them up for a girl but i like spending time with her a little more

I agree, she can give you a little bit more than your car will every be able to give you, those inadament objects.....
