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Gearing up for A4LD rebuild

Josh, I went to Princess Auto and bought a hydraulic filter and head for like $11 and installed it just behind the driver's side headlight, I used copper 3/8 tube and installed a second trans cooler to the right of the OE one. Cost me about $25 all told for the filter set-up. The stacked plate cooler was about $40 (E-Bay), it's a bit bigger than the OE.

I finished the VB rebuild, it works perfect. Shifts are quick but not harsh, the TCC seems more like another shift, delayed reverse is gone. (I installed new "D" rings on the reverse piston)

Hope you're as happy with your trans as I am with mine.


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Do you mean princess anne auto? Where are they located?

LOL, for some reason I thought you were here in Virginia.

Nope, if I was I'd have been there to help you with your transmission...

I think I'll buy the rest of what I need to do a complete rebuild now and pick up an old transmission to rebuild. I can always stick my renewed VB in the the rebuilt one when I install it.

Sure would be nice if a certain somebody posted their parts list...


Hey cut me some slack jack. I'm writing it all down now in a word document as we virtualy speak. If you like I will send the write up to you when I'm done. I'll just need your e-mail address.

Well I went to the junkyard today and got my remote oil filter. I got it off a 93 Trailblazer. It cost me 9 bucks! It works inline with a cooler, so it has 2 lines in and 2 out. I will probably make a u-turn on one side to maximize the filtering, but not sure yet. It was easy to get to. It is located right behind the driver side headlight. 3 13mm bolts and its off. I found one on a Olds Bravada but it was under the front bumper kinda middle through a little trap door.

What do you use for a filter? Is it just an engine oil filter or a specific filter for the transmission? The hydraulic filter I have with my set-up looks like the filter on the 302 in my mustang.


Its a standard oil filter for a 93 chevy trailblazer with a 4.3 v6.

Hey Josh, I hope this isn't considered hijacking a thread. If it is by all means delete this or have it moved.

Basically this shows how to make your own Clutch Spring Compressor. I used 1/8" plate steel for this. You can find it at most welding shops or trailer dealer/repair shops. The rubber hose goes over the all-thread to protect from nicks and scratches. (Edit: I mistakenly said I used 1/2" All-Thread. It is actually 3/8" but both will work)


Below: The small bottom "H" piece was my first attempt so I used it as a base since it was too small. The base doesn't have to be an "H".



Below: Pretty basic stuff really. I used a hacksaw at first but got smart and bought some good metal blades for my Bosch jigsaw. It cuts it like butter.(Edit: I used 3/8" All-Thread, not 1/2" as shown below. Either would work though.)


Below: Just a "T" shape with a hole in it. I should mention that the overall length is 6" total.


Below: Put it in a vise and bend it like shown. It's all eye-balling. This stuff bends ok by hand but some heat from a propane torch and a little beating with a hammer will help. You'll notice in the top picture I had to shim one side (the left side) with a washer to make it level. It's not an exact science bending both pieces exactly. You may have to do the same thing.


So that's basically it. I wanted to put this in the How-To section but I haven't gotten around to buying a membership yet. When we're on a budget every little bit helps. Once I get my membership going I'll post pics of my Fan Pulley Wrench and Crank Pulley tool.

Thanks for posting it there! I think Rick also has one which he made himself. There are many other people on this site which have made things over the years. It would be nice if everybody could post these things in the same place for reference.

Hey Josh, I hope this isn't considered hijacking a thread. If it is by all means delete this or have it moved.

No you are not hijacking. I think anything that amplifies/helps the thread is worth having and thanks for your input. I was gonna suggest you do it in a separate thread so I could add it to my links section on the A4LD rebuild breakdown post. i will just add a link of this page. Man mine was much more getto. How did you make the cuts?

I updated the links section to include the spring compressor. When you up date a post, is it the same as bumping?

No you are not hijacking. I think anything that amplifies/helps the thread is worth having and thanks for your input. I was gonna suggest you do it in a separate thread so I could add it to my links section on the A4LD rebuild breakdown post. i will just add a link of this page. Man mine was much more getto. How did you make the cuts?

I started with a hacksaw. That was too much work so I got me some metal jigsaw blades for my Bosch jigsaw. Then it would cut that stuff like butter.

It would depend on what grade of steel you find. The stuff I was using was pretty low grade but strong enough for what it's being used for.

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Well I went to the junkyard today and got my remote oil filter. I got it off a 93 Trailblazer. It cost me 9 bucks! It works inline with a cooler, so it has 2 lines in and 2 out. I will probably make a u-turn on one side to maximize the filtering, but not sure yet. It was easy to get to. It is located right behind the driver side headlight. 3 13mm bolts and its off. I found one on a Olds Bravada but it was under the front bumper kinda middle through a little trap door.

Why did it have two lines and out? A bypass or something?

And thanks Shadowdog, I will definitely be copying your design.
