CD is stuck | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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CD is stuck


New Member
April 7, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Baton Rouge/Indy
Year, Model & Trim Level
'98 XLT
In my 98 Explorer XLT I have a Single CD player/radio/cassette player. I had a CD in the player for a few days, and today it won't come out. When I press eject, nothing comes out and it says either "No CD" or "Error". Anybody know a trick for getting it out? Thanks.

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In my 98 Explorer XLT I have a Single CD player/radio/cassette player. I had a CD in the player for a few days, and today it won't come out. When I press eject, nothing comes out and it says either "No CD" or "Error". Anybody know a trick for getting it out? Thanks.

I am not trying to insult you, but is the CD really in there? I had the same problem with my old CD player and it turns out I had taken it out and forgotten about it...

Yea it is in there. I kinda worried about that too, but when you look inside you can see it.

When I had that happen with my old in-dash changer, I cycled it by disconnecting it and reconnecting it a few times. If all else fails, audio shops have the equivalent of jimmies for CD players. They'll be able to get it out for you.

Now that Adam has posted the right answer, I'll post the fun answer.

You post a vid of either of these extractions, and we'll buy you a new CD. :D





Personally, I've always been partial to aftermarket tools.


  • am.JPG
    12.1 KB · Views: 259

NICE! Ha ha ha!

My cd player does the same thing,
I was actually so pissed at it one day that I stuck a screw driver in it, and the cd came out.
That only worked once though.
I now use the ipod with the cassette adapter.
