Came across tail lights to match black headlights | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Came across tail lights to match black headlights


Well-Known Member
January 31, 2008
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Desert Hot Springs, CA
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In the market
If you have these

Then these would look sweet on the ex too!!!

I came across these a few days ago. Sooner or later they will both be on my Ex!!!

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I really like those taillights. I am not a fan of most of the aftermarket rears. Are you going to get the front corners with the amber reflector, or ones with a clear reflector?

I have those taillights,
water gets in them and they get foggy for a day everytime it rains.

I really like those taillights. I am not a fan of most of the aftermarket rears. Are you going to get the front corners with the amber reflector, or ones with a clear reflector?

I'm going to get the clear reflectors if I can find them on ebay. The amber makes them look like an upgrade from factory. I like the clean look of the clear reflector.

and as for the leak problem, I'll just get some silicon and seal the seams a little better.

yup, I just siliconed my taillights, to prevent that from happening. Aftermarket tails, Only look good.


and nice lights as well

I am not a fan of most of the aftermarket rears.

Sorry, I thought it was funny :D

And so I don't bring the thread off-topic, I like those taillights too. Most aftermarket ones look bad to me, but those are tastefully done.

man I need to quit being cheap and order some of them nice headlights.

I tryed to seal mine like you were saying, its hard to make it look good because the seam is on the outside.
I'll get a picture of what im talking about tomorrow.
The water doesnt get in where the bulbs are and blow them like my old tail lights though.
I got mine for less than $50 so I cant complain, they look a lot better than stock.

man I need to quit being cheap and order some of them nice headlights.

ebay!! half of what you would pay from any mail-order web site. I've seen them as low as $107+shipping.

Oh i know, there about 145-160 shipped on ebay, but dang man, thats alot for headlights. When its purely comsetic, one rock, treebranch, or some moron driver, and ur left with nothing.....But they still look good, I dont know if I can get them or not, so many other goodies I need to get first!

I have these-


Justin, how are those tail lights? Any problems with leaking or fogging??

Justin, how are those tail lights? Any problems with leaking or fogging??

I have had them for over two years now (I think) and they havent leaked or fogged up any. My left one has a dead moth in it- I guess he crawled up through the vent tube.

Thats good cuz those are my first choice over the tais with the red lenses.

The look awesome on your ex btw!!:thumbsup:

Yeah man they do look good, But so does your hole rig.

Justin, where did you get yours and how much shipped????

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Another Picture?

Justin, can you post another picture straight on from the back? Thanks!
