Explorer on 31s | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Explorer on 31s

This is my brothers X, we just put a set of 31x10.50-15 Maxxis Bighorns. It is a 96 with a 4.0L and all stock, no TT or shackles yet, it all cleared fine except a little bit of the fender on the front needed trimming.


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looks pretty damn good, maybe take off the tupperware on the sides?...so it looks like it site higher?

Those wheel wells look stuffed, nice!

Looks clean, bud! I like it.

I like the wheels.
ExpoNC, you have come along way yourself, I remimber that cut tire at URE.

I like the wheels.
ExpoNC, you have come along way yourself, I remimber that cut tire at URE.

Ya I just had to do one more run before heading out, then I lost the altinator half way home. Had to walk to Advance for a new one and swap it out in a heavy rain storm with the engine caked in mud.

I'm ready to go back now. Got me some good tires and its no longer my DD.

dangerranger01 you will defenitly rub without TT and shackles. You need to look into it, not just for tire clearance but it will give you some more ground clearance and its a cheep mod.

i got 31x10.5 on my 97 X, no scrubing unless im fully loaded in the back and hit abump hard. the maxxis BH might be a tad bigger tyre brands vary, here is a pik of my X with 31s

Thanks for the comments guys, here it is with an add a leaf and tt. We raised it 1.5" int front and 2" in the rear.

I just got the exact same tire for my 98 with TT and shackles.:thumbsup: Havn't had a chance to do much off road with'em but I really like the looks.


They are really good off road. My brother just got some 33" Maxxis Bighorns on his wrangler! I made him test them out tonight. I got stuck(Street tires:D) and called him to come get me out. We also got to try his new winch. Both work very well. I am going to go with 32" BH's

Thanks for the comments guys, here it is with an add a leaf and tt. We raised it 1.5" int front and 2" in the rear.

looks good so far keep up the good work

nice looking explorer dude!! love the look, 31" tires on stock height..you know what that means...you can probly fit 28" rims haha.. nice wheels too btw

cool tires, dangeranger!

i've run maxxis tires on my bicycle and put them on many others (im a shop mechanic), but i've always wondered how the maxxis automotive tires were.

let me know! im curious. :p:

cool tires, dangeranger!

i've run maxxis tires on my bicycle and put them on many others (im a shop mechanic), but i've always wondered how the maxxis automotive tires were.

let me know! im curious. :p:

I have Maxxis on my mountain bike! GREAT Tires!:D:thumbsup:



im not familiar with the rancheros. what bike is that?

im more familiar with the hookworm:

that's on my 2008 sasquatch.
i know the minion and the holy roller, but the hookworm is the only one i've owned.

oh, and they stand up to 125km/h (75-80mph).... ask mechjames. :D

07 DiamondBack Response Sport. The tire is really really grippy. I can climb straight dirt walls with out slipping! Nice bike.

Yeah, I will never pay $69 for a bike tire. Looks like that's how much the minions cost!

Who in their right mind goes 80 on a bike? DH racers? I thought 40 was too fast.:D

yeah i cant tell you what they want for the minion right now because i dont have the password to the Cycles Lambert password (they're a supplier in eastern canada). oh well. i can tell you that hookworms cost $49.50 retail and i got a smokin deal on them. oh how i love the employee discounts!

who in their right mind goes 80mph on a bike? nobody! but i did it anyways. :D
downhill racers can hit 60MPH on the kamikaze invitation-only track, but i dont know of any that have done 80.
i didnt do it on a dirt track either... i went behind mechjames' XLT on a secluded road and he wound it up as fast as my arms would let me go.

i broke a spoke doing it which kinda scared me.... which is when normal people would throw the bike in the truck and drive home, right? but i still had 31 more so i squeezed in a few more runs. :cool: i have the video footage to prove it around here somewhere....

but dont you dare try it... this stunt is for professional idiots only :rolleyes:

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yeah i cant tell you what they want for the minion right now because i dont have the password to the Cycles Lambert password (they're a supplier in eastern canada). oh well. i can tell you that hookworms cost $49.50 retail and i got a smokin deal on them. oh how i love the employee discounts!

who in their right mind goes 80mph on a bike? nobody! but i did it anyways. :D
downhill racers can hit 60MPH on the kamikaze invitation-only track, but i dont know of any that have done 80.
i didnt do it on a dirt track either... i went behind mechjames' XLT on a secluded road and he wound it up as fast as my arms would let me go.

i broke a spoke doing it which kinda scared me.... which is when normal people would throw the bike in the truck and drive home, right? but i still had 31 more so i squeezed in a few more runs. :cool: i have the video footage to prove it around here somewhere....

but dont you dare try it... this stunt is for professional idiots only :rolleyes:

that was a fun night. i think u might have uploaded it to facebook, but i'm not sure. its on your computer somewhere.
