Got a lil' mud on the tires! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Got a lil' mud on the tires!


Active Member
February 25, 2008
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94 explorer
Hey guys just took my ex offroad for the first time today.Went on a cleared out clay road (for later construction i guess).there was a few wet spots,ruts, and some hills but mostly loose clay...and big piles of it!my ex did awesome.never even got close to gettin stuck and went and up a pretty big hill with a dip in it w/ ease.Only scary time was on a big pile of loose clay that was a little damp...i went up on it cut hard to the left and laid down the pedal and she kept on goin.I guess those bfg a/ts do what they claim.heres a link to a pic.

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posted it for yea!

looks great! i will admit, i havent even put my truck in 4WD yet... i feel pathetic. lol

your pic makes me want to hurry up and install my side skirts i got from the junkyard. are those tire's 31's?

man nice ex, looks real clean.

don't worry XxxMonoxideChild, I haven't put mine in 4x4 either :D

You havent even used 4x4 yet! What?:thumbdwn:
4x4 high sucks. I tried to use it to get speed going up a hill and it just loses power. So I used 4x4 lo!!! Whoa. It's awsome

soometimes..u dont neeeed 4x4 :) thats when u should b happy!

yep. It's better that way. That way less stuff to break!

...40893, good job on having fun and yes, BFG A/T's are all they say they are..:thumbsup:

...I also like your wheel choice..What size wheels and tires are those???

Nice looking truck, now that you got a little mud on it go all out like mine.



Takes a minimum of four hours to clean the exterior so it's best to pack a lunch. Good thing it's so much fun because bleaching all my molding back to white is a major pain in the ass.

I wonder if you used some sealant or somethin on your molding it wouldn't require bleaching so often. :dunno:

Armerol helps but honestly its mud. The ride home or tow home is a sticky and drying process. It takes time to clean up no matter what.

Armerol helps but honestly its mud. The ride home or tow home is a sticky and drying process. It takes time to clean up no matter what.

Yep, i end up using a half gallon or so of bleach white every week to get it shiny again. Underhood and interior cleaning are a whole nother matter. I'm from the old school and keep my front windows down so i can keep them clean. That leads to muddy seats and door panels.

I just heard where WD-40 is great for keeping mud off of the truck. WD=Water Displacement, makes since. I Havent tried it.

I just heard where WD-40 is great for keeping mud off of the truck. WD=Water Displacement, makes since. I Havent tried it.

x2 it works

I wouldn't use wd40 on my paint because i've used it to clean paint brushes before. Plus using it on plastic where it can penetrate since plastic is porous is probably asking for trouble. The molding is held on with adhesive, i use wd40 to remove adhesive all the time.

I've herd of people armeroling their exterior, apparently it makes the mud flake off in the wind on the drive home.

Haha I wouldn't say it flakes off but it does make for a slippery and shiny exterior..I used to do it on my Jeep back in the day..

I wouldn't use wd40 on my paint because i've used it to clean paint brushes before. Plus using it on plastic where it can penetrate since plastic is porous is probably asking for trouble. The molding is held on with adhesive, i use wd40 to remove adhesive all the time.

Who said use it on the paint? Use it on the underside.

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Who said use it on the paint? Use it on the underside.

The underside is cake, i pull it into the auto car wash my buddy owns and we turn on the undercarriage spray. Give it about 15 minutes and it's spotless.
