Wiring & Tailgate lock Questions | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Wiring & Tailgate lock Questions


New Member
August 9, 2008
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92 Sport 4x4
Hopefully I am asking in the right section...92 sport EB..Ive read up on everything on here and couldnt find what i needed to know, etc..
Question one: What does each of these plugs go to and which one especially goes to the remote locks and alarm?


Second Question: The guy I bought it from said he towed his four wheelers with it, so im pretty sure that these wirtes were for that, but can anyone say if that is for sure, before I take them out..


Third Question: I have read about the factory remote locks/alarm having a seperate black box with a white sensitivity button on it. Is this factored into the system, because it doesnt have a sensitivity nob, etc, but its a small black box. If not what is it for?

Fourth Question: There is an empty inline Fuse that i want to find out what it goes to and if anyone knows the fuse size. It is located under the dash drivers side, and there is another inline fuse that is by it that is a 20 amp that you can see in the pics..


Last Question: My power lock bar is broken to the tailgate and it can only be locked by the key. I looked everywhere to try and find out what the bar was hooked up to and where it goes with no luck. Can anyone let me know?

Thank You all for your help..The whole Ex is rewired from the radio to the auto locks and alarm..Im good with cars, but this is my first "truck" and dont know crap about the bypassing factory det-up of radio and keyless entry, etc..But i am trying to get all info I can. much appreciated!

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since i had my back panel off i took a picture of my inner-hatch from about the same angle as you took yours. i see wiring in yours but do not see a clear picture of the lock actuator for the rear like what is in the picture below, is your lock actuator there?


Thanks for the responce..yes I have an actuator, but my set up is different than yours for some reason..I circled on your pic what should be my broken piece and added a few more pics of mine.




looks like the tab that holds the lock knob rod is missing/broken from your setup? what i would do is just go to a salvage yard or u pull it and get an entire assembly from another vehicle and compare. sorry i couldnt help more.


the one connector bolted under the left hand side of the ash tray is your door buzzer chime module ( i unhooked mine because i hate the noise).and i would do what fourosport said ...just run to your local yard and get whole unit or just the rod clips them selves...most likelly your going to pay under $ wise than going to the dealer for those little $5 clips:rolleyes:( even if they still make them at all ! ) i went to my local yard a bought a whole latch unit for my driver door and i paid $ 7 for it clips,rods,whole thing !

Thanks for the responses..I will be going to the jyard and doing that.

The control module in the first pick has nothing to do w/ power locks or alarm. It's the push button 4x4 control module.

The control module in the first pick has nothing to do w/ power locks or alarm. It's the push button 4x4 control module.
?????? The black box next to the rear winshield washer resivoir, with the 3 conectors???

?????? The black box next to the rear winshield washer resivoir, with the 3 conectors???

Yes this is the 4x4 computer

You can see the Yellow wire that I grounded so I can shift into 4-low with out being in neutral or stepping on the brake.


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