My garage built 93 4dr | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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My garage built 93 4dr

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i think this is what you meant to do..


Ok how the heck do i get the pics here from photobucket????????

use the "IMG" code, not the HTML code.

So dont click insert image? How the heck did u get my pic? Lol

looks good so far keep up the good work

I did all this myself in my garage, if theres anything u guys want to see let me know, i recently did the shaft mod and porting on my tb so im gonna post pics of it in a sec

Very cool! This has to be one of the nicest slammed 1st gens I've seen.:biggthump

Thanks rick! That means a lot to me, is there any write-ups, or anything i can do for an elite membership????

looks good keep up the good work

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What a great looking First Gen Ex.

I always liked the lowered look, even tho I do have a 4x4.

Do have a question tho... would the bags work on my suspension even with the 4x4? I know it sounds strange that i'd like to do that to my Ex.

And will you be doing any mods to the engine?

Please include more pics.

